chapter 20

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Rick placed a cavalry on the hood of the truck that they gathered around, "Everybody takes a weapon." He stated,

Andrea shook her head, "These aren't the kind of weapons we need. What about the guns?"

Vivian and Marcie glanced at each other before they rolled their eyes. Andrea was pissed that Shane took her gun away. They needed training, especially her.

"We've been over that. Daryl, Rick and I are carrying. We can't have people popping off rounds every time a tree rustles." Shane responded,

"It's not the trees I'm worried about." She commented,

Shane pushed off from where he was leaning against the RV, "Say somebody fires at the wrong moment, a herd happens to be passing by. See, then it's game over for all of us. So you need to get over it."

Glenn nudged Marcie in her side, showing off his weapon he grabbed from its' sheathe, grinning at her.

"The idea is ta take the creek up 'bout five miles, turn around and come back down the other side. Chances are she'll be by the creek. It's her only landmark." Daryl announced,

"Stay quiet and stay sharp. Keep space between you but always stay within sight of each other." 

"Everybody assemble your packs." Shane ordered and everyone got ready to leave,

"Stay safe." Vivian told Marcie as she adjusted Liam on her hip,

"You, too." Marcie turned her attention to the toddler, "You keep an eye out for T-Dog." She grinned, poking his belly, causing him to laugh,

"Dale, keep on those repairs. We've got to get this RV ready to move." Rick walked over to the older man,

"We won't stay here a minute longer than we have to. Good luck out there. Bring Sophia back." Dale told the sheriff,

Rick patted his son's shoulder, "Keep an eye on Carl while we're gone."

The boy stared up at his father, "I'm going with you. You need people, right? To cover as much ground as possible."

Rick looked over at his wife, "Your call. I can't always be the bad guy." She told him,

"Well," Vivian stepped in, wrapping her free arm around Carl, "he has all of you to look after him. I'd say he's in good hands."

"Okay. Okay." Rick sighed, "But always within our sight, no exceptions." He told his son before walking away,

Carl grinned up at Vivian and she gave him a quick wink before Dale helped her into the RV. She set Liam on the seat at the table and gave him a few toys to play with. She sat across from him and stared out the window at the group heading towards the woods,

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