chapter 79

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She was in the passenger seat, with Michonne, Tyreese, and Bob in the back. Poor Michonne was cramped back there, but Marcie had the 'boyfriend' advantage.

It seemed like no one wanted to speak. The tension in the air was thick. 

Daryl glanced back at Michonne, "Hey, I know you weren't runnin' off. The thing is, that trail went cold. You know that, right? If it was any different, I'd be right out there with ya."

Marcie clenched her fists and stared out the window. Of course, Daryl would be out there looking for the Governor. But her? No, she wasn't allowed.

Michonne and Daryl have emotional ties with him. He killed Daryl's brother, and he killed Andrea. 

But he didn't tie them up and kill their loved ones right in front of them. No... he did that to Marcie.

Marcie deserved to be out there. She deserved to put a bullet in his head.

No, that would be too easy. She'd cut his chest open, and rip out his heart. After all, that's what he did to her.

Daryl glanced over to Marcie and reached over, attempting to unclench her fist. She ripped her hand away, crossing her arms over her chest.

He stared at her for a moment before moving his hand over to the radio and turned it on, "Would ya hand me one of them CDs right there?"

Marcie sighed and reached into the glove box, grabbing the CD holder. As Daryl was changing radio stations, they heard a faint voice,

"...find sanctuary."

Marcie reached forward and stopped Daryl's hand, "Wait..."

"...determined to survive... ...keep alive."

"Was that a voice?" Bob asked,

Daryl shushed him and continued to change the station, trying to find the right one so the voice would come in clear.


Marcie and Daryl shared a look before she glanced towards the road, "Daryl!"

The car swerved, Daryl trying to avoid hitting the walkers that were roaming on the road. Ahead, there was a horde, and Marcie's heart rate skyrocketed.

He hit the brakes, one arm braced against Marcie's chest. The car came to a stop and the walkers quickly surrounded them.

There had to be hundreds.

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