chapter 125

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The members of Alexandria also built up their confidence when taking down the rotters, with Rick's group teaching them how to stab properly, and to keep from getting bit.

There was only one incident, when Vivian went to find some baby food for Judith in the pantry, and she ended up eavesdropping on a meeting between a few of the Alexandrians, with Carter being the main spokesman.

He walking talking about killing Rick.

Vivian tried sneaking out to warn Rick, but was caught by Olivia. Carter pushed her to the side and aimed a gun at Vivian's head, "She heard."

"You got an escape plan? Can you survive out there?" Vivian glared up at the man, who had fear in his eyes, "Because if you pull that trigger, there's at least a dozen people who will be after you. And even if you manage to escape them, you'll have to deal with the monsters outside the walls."

The gun pressed to her forehead began to shake, and Vivian was worried he would accidentally pull the trigger just from nervousness. The door behind them opened to reveal Rick, Daryl, and Morgan.  

"What the hell is going on?" Rick asked, his head tilted to the side, his eyes narrowing, "What are you doing?"

"I'm taking this place back from you." Carter growled, turning to look at the sheriff,

Rick turned to the others in the armoury, "That's what you were talking about in here?"

"That's what he was talking about." Spencer stated, defending himself and the others.

"See, I would have-I would have set up some lookouts. That would have been the smart thing." Rick turned back to Carter, "You know, if I happened to-"

Vivian used the distraction to kick Carter's hand, releasing the gun from his grip. Rick lunged forward and grabbed the man, forcing him to his knees and taking out his own gun, aiming it at the back of his head.

Vivian grabbed Carter's gun and stood, shoving the weapon into her waistband, "You okay?" Rick asked her and she nodded,

He turned back to Carter, "You really think you're gonna take this community from us? From Glenn? From Michonne? From Daryl? From me?" He listed off,  "Do you have any idea who you're talking to?"

"It was just me." Carter mumbled out,


"It was- it was just me. Just- just kill me." Well, at least he had that redeemable quality, not taking the others down with him,

Daryl stepped forward, "Rick."

They knew if he pulled the trigger, they would never regain the trust of these people. 

"I'm good." Rick lowered his gun, picking Carter off the ground and pining him to the wall, "You can try to work with us. You can try to survive. Would you do that?"

After that, it seemed like smooth sailing. Carter still questioned Rick's moves, but everyone got on the bandwagon. Once the walls were up, everyone met up at the quarry to do a test run.

Marcie sat on Buttons, gripping the reigns tightly as she stared down into the ravine, which seemed to be filled with even more walkers than the last time she was there.

Rick stood on one of the semi trucks, speaking to the group about the plan, "I know this sounds insane, but this is an insane world. We have to come for them before they come for us. It's that simple. This is where it all starts tomorrow." He began, "Tobin gets in the truck, opens the exit and we're off. He hops out, catches up with his team at red staying on the west side of the road. Daryl gets on his bike-"

He was interrupted by the sound of rocks collapsing. Marcie urged the horse closer to get a better look, "Rick!"

They all turned to see the truck sliding off the cliff. She knew there was no time for a practice run, because now the walkers were freed.

"It's open! We got to do this now!" Rick announced before jumping off the flat bed truck. He began directing everyone to their places.

Buttons began to shift nervously, and Marcie stroked him to try and calm him down, "No time like the present for some training, boy." She mumbled.

Sasha and Abraham took off in the car, while Glenn and Finn took a group and headed west towards where they needed to direct the horde.

Daryl got on his bike and turned to look up at Marcie, "Stay safe."

She nodded, "You, too."

He had the most dangerous job of all of them, but Marcie knew he'd pull through. He always did. 

Tobin got in the truck, and Marcie held up her flare. The walkers were taking the opposite exit, the one towards Alexandria, and they needed to get them to go the other way.

Rick fired off the first flare, and Marcie followed quickly. She hoped it would get the rotters' attention.

The truck moved, and the walkers were set free. Once they started heading towards them, Marcie directed Buttons towards the dirt road, which was lined with cars to keep the walkers from separating from the group. She was in the lead, since the horse was the fastest and everyone else was on foot.

She fired another flare, which caused the others behind her to do the same.

"You all have your assignments." Rick stated over the radio, "You know where to rendezvous. Daryl leads them out. Sasha and Abraham join him at the bottom of the hill. Glenn, you hit us when you take care of the walkers at the tractor place. That's the one thing we gotta get ahead of. Everybody keep your heads. Just keep up."

Marcie pushed Buttons further, until she reached the RV with the yellow balloons tied on top. Rick, Michonne, and Morgan were supposed to meet her later on, but she was in charge of making sure the rotters got there.

"We're at red at the bottom of the hill." Sasha stated, her voice coming through on Marcie's radio,

"All right, here comes the parade." Daryl responded,

It wasn't long before the others joined her, and she soon was able to hear the revving of Daryl's motorcycle. Marcie raised her flare and fired it.

"Go." Rick ordered her, "We're good here. Remember, cops at a parade."

She nodded, before taking off into the woods. Her job was to ride in the woods along side the horde, killing any walkers that got off the trail.

Marcie moved towards the back of the horde, since that was her biggest concern. The walkers at the front half would be lured by the sound of Daryl's bike, plus the car and the flares, but the back half? She thought they would be the easiest to distracted from the main horde.

Every once in a while, a few had wandered into the woods and Marcie was quick to put them down.

Marcie reached for her radio, going to ask Rick how it was looking up at the front, when she was interrupted by a loud horn.

And it was coming from Alexandria.

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