chapter 111

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Marcie shrugged, avoiding looking at Deanna and instead stared at the books on the wall, "Can't seem to keep them alive, though."

It was true. Her track record on finding people was amazing. 

But they never seemed to last. They always die.

"You don't have to worry about that anymore. That's what these walls are for." She told the younger woman,

This community was built on pure luck. They've never had any outside dangers beside the dead. They didn't know how to survive in this world.

Rick was right. They're lucky they showed up.

Why were they so lucky? They all must've been saints in a previous life. Why weren't her parents protected in a place like this? 

She headed towards the houses that Deanna gave them to stay in. Marcie paused when she saw Daryl sitting on the porch steps, gutting the opossum for everyone to see,

"Seriously?" Marcie asked him as she stepped over the dead rodent,

"Where else am I s'posse ta do it?" Daryl grumbled, 

"In the grass, maybe?" She glanced up to see Rick standing on the porch with Judith in his arms.

He no longer had his bushy beard and his hair had been cut. He looked like the man she saved by in King County.


"Yeah, I know." Rick sighed before handing Judith off to Glenn, who was inside with a few of the others, "C'mon, let's check the walls."

Daryl joined the duo as they checked the back yard, the walls that stood way over them. They seemed secure, but Marcie wasn't quite ready to trust this place up.

They walked between the houses to where Carol was exiting the second house, "They're right next to each other, but-"

"They took our weapons and now they're splitting us up." Rick finished for her,


"We'll all be staying in the same house tonight." Rick declared.

That night, everyone had gathered in the living room, claiming their own spaces. The community provided them with a crib for Judith, which they set by the window where Daryl was perched on.

Marcie sat at the dining room table, Carl was across from her reading a comic he found in the other house. She found a deck of cards in one of the drawers and began shuffling them, trying to entice someone to play a game with her.

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