chapter 23

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They used paint that they found to write on the windshield of a car, telling Sophia that they would be back everyday to check if she was there. Then they left some supplies that they found while searching the cars.

Marcie hopped on the back of Daryl's bike, gripping his leather vest in her fingers. She was ready for the group to be whole again, to see if Carl was okay.

He could be dead and they wouldn't even know it.

Andrea drove the Hyundai while Dale and Carol were in the RV. Marcie grinned as they approached the farm, wind blowing through her hair.

The farm seemed untouched. 

"Look at the cows." Marcie yelled in Daryl's ear, pointing at the cows lounging in the grass on the side of the road, causing Daryl to shake this head,

Daryl parked by the house, where a group of people were gathered on the porch. Marcie recognised most faces, but some were unfamiliar. She assumed it was the family that lived there.

She got off the bike before Daryl could even put the stand down.

Marcie ran over to hug Lori before moving onto Rick, "How is he?" She asked, pulling back,

"He'll pull through, thanks to Hershel and his people." Lori informed them,

"And Shane." Rick added, " We'd have lost Carl if not for him."

Everyone's eyes turned to the former cop, who was standing off to the side wearing large overalls and his head was shaved.

What had happened to him?

"How'd it happen?" Dale asked as everyone hugged each other,

"Hunting accident. That's all... Just a stupid accident." Rick answered,

Marcie spotted Vivian sitting on the porch, Liam next to her playing with some toys. She noticed the bandage around her elbow and approached her, "What happened to you?"

"Carl needed blood." Vivian stated, standing up and Marcie kept her steady, "Rick had already given two transfusions, couldn't risk another one."

"That's awfully nice of you." Marcie commented,

"Wanted to be helpful. Was the least I could do." She helped the brunette down the steps before reaching back and grabbing Liam,

Once everyone had caught up, they all walked over to a group of trees, where they began stacking rocks as a memorial for the man who had shot Carl. Otis had went to a refugee point with Shane to get medical supplies for Carl's surgery, but he ended up sacrificing himself, leaving Shane to bring back the supplies alone.

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