chapter 33

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Marcie stared down at Tony's body, nodding vigourously. She didn't want to leave the farm ever again.

Rick grabbed Tony's shot gun and searched his pockets for some extra shells before turning to Marcie, "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Just... shocked."

He nodded, squeezing her shoulder before the group headed towards the door. Headlights filled the room, "Car. Car. Get down." Rick hissed,

The kneeled down by the door and windows, hoping their shadows didn't alert the people outside. It had to have been Dave and Tony's group,

The engines stopped and they heard car doors open and slam close, "Dave? Tony?" They heard a man call out, "They said over here?"

 "Yeah. " Another man replied,

"I'm telling you, man, I heard shots."

"I saw roamers two streets over. Might be more around here."

There was at least three of them. They could take on three men, right?

Marcie held her breath as their shadows appeared in the windows. Rick, Glenn, and Marcie held their guns tightly. Maybe they could sneak away when the men turned their backs.

Vivian began to worry. The men and Marcie had been gone for hours, and so had Lori after she asked her to keep an eye on Carl.

Had she gone after Rick herself?

She was helping set up the dinner table, Liam playing with a toy car in the high chair they found on the highway. Carl was next to her, putting out silverware,

"They should've been back by now." Andrea commented as she walked into the dining room,

"Yeah." Shane agreed, sitting at the head of the table, "They just got holed up somewhere. We'll... we'll head out first thing in the morning." He looked up at Patricia, "Thank you."

Everyone began to pass around the platters of food, piling onto their plates. Vivian made sure to put vegetables and chicken onto Liam's plate before giving him a spoon.

"Carl, I want you to keep your head up, okay? Your old man, he's the toughest son of a-"

"No cussing in the house." Patricia interrupted him,

Shane looked up at the blonde and cleared his throat, "Sorry."

"Lori, dinner." Carol called out and headed towards the living room,

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