chapter 103

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"The doctor said you had internal injuries. Broken ribs, collapsed lungs. They were gonna let you go."

Marcella stared at the young blonde, a small smile on her face, "Haven't we learned by now? I don't go down easy."

"You got nine lives. Like a cat." Beth grinned,

Marcie's eyes strayed towards the stitched cuts that were on Beth's face, then to the cast over her wrist, "What happened?"

She shrugged, "These people aren't as good as they make themselves out to be."

"Daryl knows where we are." Marcie reassured her, "They're coming for us. Noah, Daryl, all of them." She reached for Beth's uninjured hand and squeezed it, "I promise." She continued to stare a the girl, not really believing that she was right in front of her, "I really owe ya one, Beth."

"Nah, I was just helping my family."

Beth went to go attend to the hospital's leader, Dawn, while Marcie continued to rest. She was still really shaken up by her dream, or coma, whatever it was.

What mattered is that she woke up. Without a bite, with a chance. She needed to get back to Daryl, to apologise and let him know that she loved him, too.

Because she never got the chance to say it back.

The blonde came back only hours later, and she seemed shaken up,

"How do you move on?" Beth asked, not looking at her, "From killing people?"

Marcie stared at her for a moment, just thinking. She remembered her first kill, the man she shot back by the farm when the group went to get Hershel.

She remembered him begging. Crying out for mercy.

She remembered the Governor. Stabbing him through the chest and watching him bleed out.

Then there were the people who were following the Governor. There was Terminus. 

Marcie had always killed out of defence. She never murdered anyone just because she could.

It was always for survival.

"You have to." Marcie whispered, playing with the edges of her gown, "If you don't, it'll eat you up from the inside out." She moved her gaze to Beth, "Sometimes you have to kill... in order to survive. But, I've never killed just to kill. I think at that point, I'd be too far gone to be human."

Beth nodded, "Yeah. Yeah, I think I get it."

There was a knock on the door and a man in a doctor's coat, "Get changed."

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