chapter 80

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It was obvious that nothing living had raided it yet, so for them, it could be a jackpot. A car inside, with the tools needed to get it running.

Marcie looked around for the front door when she heard Bob ask, "You see something?"

She turned to see Daryl squinting at a large patch of fallen branches, "I don't know. Maybe."

He put his crossbow on his back before pulling at the branches. It didn't take long for Marcie to see what he found. A van.

They began to help clear the debris, revealing more and more of the vehicle underneath. Daryl handed Marcie his crossbow before getting into the passenger seat and attempted to hot wire the car,

He got out a few minutes later with a sigh, "We gotta find us a new battery." 

There was a window next to him and he went to spit on it to gaze through the dirty glass, only to be spooked by the walkers inside that tried to reach for him, "Got some friends inside. Come on."

Marcie handed him his weapon back before they went around to the front door. Or, at least, where the front door should have been, but was blocked by a wall of this bushes.

"Let's clear a path, see how many we got." Daryl ordered, making sure Marcie was in the spot next to him before they began to pull at the leaves,

Except for Tyreese. He was hacking away with his machete angrily. He was using unnecessary energy, energy he should be saving for a real fight.

"Hey, man, go easy." Daryl called out after noticing everyone watching the larger man, "We don't know what we're dealing with."

Tyreese's blade got stuck somewhere in the hedge, and he struggled to get free. Once he did, they all noticed the wires and lock on the edge of his blade.

"You good?" Marcie asked, staring at the man,

Suddenly, she let out a gasp as a rotting arm reached for her through the bushes. Daryl quickly pulled her back and Michonne cut the arm off with her katana.

Rotters began poking out of the bushes, reaching for them. Marcie quickly jumped out of Daryl's arm and stabbed the walker in the head before turning to Bob and Tyreese, who were dealing with their own biters,

Michonne helped Bob while Marcie noticed that Tyresse had gotten ahold of the walker in front of him, not the other way around.

"Ty!" Daryl called out, noticing the same thing,

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