chapter 86

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"Look," Mika's excited voice grabbed the adults' attention, "grapes. Can we eat them?"

The three adults glanced at each other, worried the grapes might be poisonous. But Marcie gave the girl a nod, "Yeah, they're good." She remembered finding them in the woods with Daryl and he gave her some to snack on,

Mika began to hand out the grapes, and Vivian made sure to cut a few in half with her knife before letting Liam eat his portion.

Judith began to squirm in Marcie's arms before letting out a cry. The older girl wrinkled her nose, "I think someone needs a new diaper."

Vivian took the lead, having the most experience with diapers. She laid Judith down onto her blanket and began to unbutton the baby's outfit, "It's okay. All right." She cooed as Judith continued to fuss, "Bear with me, Judith."

"They're gonna hear her." Mika complained,

"She can't help it." Vivian told the girl, "She's just a baby, she doesn't have another way to communicate yet."

Lizzie took the dirty diaper and threw it into the trees away from them. Vivian was quick to button Judith's clothes before holding her close to her torso, but the baby continued to cry, 

"You're all right. Come on. It's all right. I know. I know." She bounced her slightly and sighed as Judith still cried, "All right, what do you want?"

There was some rustling coming from the woods and Mika gasped, grabbing onto Tyreese, "They're coming!"

"I heard it, Mica!" Tyreese snapped at her, 

Marcie was quick to grab Liam's hand, wanting to be able to feel him to ensure he stuck close to the group,

"Don't yell at her. She doesn't understand walkers." Lizzie scolded the man,

"You're the one who doesn't understand them." The younger sister replied,

Tyreese grabbed his hammer and began walking towards the source of the noise. Vivian continued to bounce Judith, trying to quiet her down while Marcie shuffled Liam over to Lizzie and Mika before grabbing the gun from her waistband.

Crows flew from a bush and Mika ran away, startled. Lizzie called out for her sister, and the group ran after the young girl. 

"Mika!" Vivian called out to the girl, not hearing a response,

"She's gone." Lizzie panted, "You yelled at her and now she's gone."

Vivian rolled her eyes before she continued, "Mika!" She came to a stop as she spotted the blonde standing beside a tree. She handed Judith off to Tyreese before kneeling down in front of  the girl, "Are you okay?"

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