chapter 84

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Hershel's body collapsed next to Marcie, and all she could do was stare in shock and horror.

Even as bullets flew past her, all she could see was the blood. Hershel's blood, her parent's blood. 

Her blood.

At that moment, she was back in that room, back in Woodbury with her parents' corpses littered around her.

Michonne screamed out Marcie's name, trying to shake her from her trance, "Marcie, we need to go." She told her as she untied the girl's restraint.

"Go where?" She whispered, still not meeting Michonne's burning gaze, "There's no where else to go."

Michonne's response fell on deaf ears. The dark skinned woman tried to pull Marcie with her, but she stayed.

It was only a matter of time before the prison fell. Like the Governor said... they have a tank.

Michonne broke away and went to hide amongst the cars. She couldn't force Marcie to go with her, not in that mental state.

Marcie eventually snapped out of it when a man approached her, aiming his gun at her head. 

She knew she needed to fight. She needed to survive. For her parents, for Daryl. For her family.

Marcella quickly lunged at the man, dodging the bullet he attempted to shoot at her. She was able to tackle him into the grass and wrestled the gun from his hands.

"Motherfucker." Marcie growled, pulling the trigger and sending a bullet into his skull.

Vivian exited C Block as she heard the guns go off. She watched in horror as the tank drove through the fences.

It was over. There was no way to salvage the prison. They needed to leave... quickly.

She ducked as the tank shot at the prison, blowing the windows out. She moved out of the way of the falling glass and looked around for the bus.

"Mommy!" She turned and spotted Liam standing in the courtyard next to Judith's car seat, covering his ears.

A few feet away was Mika and Lizzie, who were shooting at a few of the Governor's men.

Vivian quickly ran over and picked the two young children up, "Lizzie! Mika!" The two sisters turned towards the woman, "Let's go!"

She held Judith on her hip while Mika held Liam's hand and Lizzie carried the diaper bag.

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