chapter 88

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Water, fire, food. Even oil lamps and gas, they could use the stove and the oven. A crib for Judith, toys for the girls. Even Liam enjoyed the dolls.

Soon after starting a fire in the fireplace, Vivian was resting on the couch, with Liam snuggled into her side.

"We should live here." Mika stated,

Vivian hummed, her fingers playing with Liam's hair. Would it be so bad, to leave Terminus behind and live in this little cottage?

What were the chances they would find their group? Probably slim to none. Why waste all that time when they could live out their days here?

The next morning, Vivian was sitting in the living room, braiding Mika's hair while Liam played with the toys on the floor.

"You're really good at this." Mika smiled, staring at the braid in the mirror she held up, "Did you have any sisters?"

"Mhmm." Vivian hummed, "A younger sister and three younger brothers."

"Wow." Mika gasped, "I bet you're a great older sister."

Vivian stayed silent as she continued to braid Mika's hair. The girl reminded her of her sister, Debbie. She tried to keep her sister as innocent as she could, tried to keep her from growing up. She was the baby of the family, and she was so sweet. Too sweet for their neighbourhood.

Too sweet for this world.

"Done." Vivian smiled as she tied off Mika's hair with her red scrunchie.

The kettle was going off in the kitchen and Tyreese went to go check on it. Marcie walked in with Judith on her hip, "Look at that! All clean and changed."

"Look at you, pretty girl." Vivian smiled as Marcie placed the baby on her lap.

Carol and Marcie took Mika out to hunt while Tyreese and Vivian stayed behind to watch the younger children.

Lizzie went out to the barn to look around, and Vivian didn't want to bother her. She couldn't figure out how to bond with the girl. Mika was easy, she was a smart young girl, but Lizzie was different.

Strange, even.

She didn't trust her. Not around Liam and Judith.

Once the others got back, Tyreese, Marcie and Carol went to get water from the well. Liam and Judith went down for their naps, but Vivian didn't want to leave them with the girls, so she let them go play.

She didn't think they were going to leave the yard.

Marcie stood next to Carol as Tyreese was pumping water from the well, looking around for any rotters.

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