chapter 131

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But once the dust settled, she could see the dozens and dozens of walkers filing into Alexandria.

She grabbed onto Maggie and dragged her back until the reached the ladder that led to the watch point. The two women climbed up, with Marcie pushing Maggie ahead of her. As Marcie attempted to climb, the rope holding the ladder snapped.

It fell to the side and Marcie grabbed onto the platform. She could hear Maggie screaming her name, but Marcie couldn't focus on that.

She kicked the rotters that were grabbing onto her boots before Maggie helped pull her up.

Marcie breathed heavily as her back met with the wood flooring that held the watch point up.

"You okay?" Maggie asked, brushing her friend's hair away from her face.

"Mhmm." Marcie panted, staring up at the green balloons that floated above them.

She knew it was from Glenn, but she'd like to think it was a message from Daryl, too.

Marcie got onto her hands and knees, peering over the edge at all the rotters reaching for them.

The radio on her waistband crackled, "Marcie? Rick? Anybody?"

Maggie and Marcie shared a look, a smile cracking their faces despite their situation. Marcie fumbled to grab the radio and raised it to her lips, "Daryl?" 

"Hey, baby." She tried not to sob at the sound of his voice, "We're comin' home."

Marcie made it to her feet and glanced around, "Dare... the walls... they're down. Alexandria's overrun. It's gone."

"Nah." Daryl's voice came through clearer, "It ain't gone til we let it go. We're on our way."

Over the sounds of the rotters, there were gunshots. Marcie prayed everyone got to safety before the entire community was overrun.

Luckily, her and Maggie were safe where they were. But she wasn't sure how long it would last. They sat against the metal wall, trying not to be seen by the rotters,

"Do you remember, at the welcoming party, when you asked Glenn and I if we wanted kids?" Maggie asked, staring out at the destroyed community,

Marcie hummed, looking over at her friend,

"I'm pregnant."

That caused the tears to fall. Marcie reached for her friend's hand, "You guys are gonna be great parents." She whispered.

It was true. Marcie knew they loved each other unconditionally, and it was only a matter of time before their love would create something beautiful like child.

And she couldn't wait to meet their baby.

Maggie gave her a grateful smile before leaning her head on Marcie's shoulder.

The two sat there, the sun soon setting. Marcie wished she could fall asleep, and wake up to this nightmare being over. She wanted to wake in Daryl's arms, with the wall in tact.

There was a loud scream, and the two girls sat up straight. It was followed by a gunshot. They could only imagine what happened.

Finn, Spencer, Heath, Aaron and a few others had made it into the infirmary and locked up the doors, closing the blinds. They hid in there, even after the sun went down. Debbie helped them move Vivian upstairs along with the other patients, like Scott, in case they got overrun.

Finn ordered her to stay up with Vivian, so she did. She stayed up there with Liam, trying to keep him calm so he wouldn't cry and alert the rotters.

"Please, wake up." Debbie whispered, staring over at her sister, "Please, protect us. We can't do this without you."

Rick taught her how to use a gun, and Rosita taught her how to use a knife, but Debbie wasn't ready to try it for real.

Liam had fallen asleep against Vivian, on her good side, and Debbie was grateful that he wasn't high maintenance.

The door burst open and Debbie snuck down the stairs to listen to the conversation, after seeing Denise run inside, "Are you okay?" Spencer asked the doctor,

"I'm fine, how are my patients?" Denise questioned,

"They're doing well. We moved them upstairs just in case." Heath answered,

"Oh, my God." Aaron gasped, moving the blinds aside and staring out the window,

"It's the kid." She heard Heath state,

"Is he bit?" Finn asked,

Debbie watched as Denise calmed herself, "Nope."


She walked around, barking orders, "I need bandages. Top shelf, next to the sink. Two IVs from the fridge and all the clean towels you can find. Aaron, grab the gurney."

Denise opened the door and Debbie gasped as Rick walked inside, Carl laying in his arms. The doctor ordered him to set Carl down onto the gurney and Debbie tried to get a closer look.

He was bleeding heavily from where his eye used to be.

"This is a gunshot?" Denise asked,

"Handgun. Close range." Michonne informed her, 

"Please save him." Rick begged, "Please."

Debbie watched from the stairs as they all ran around, as if they knew what to do. Denise gave orders and everyone followed them without question.

The redhead stepped into the room, "I wanna help." She stated.

"Debbie, go back upstairs." Finn ordered,

"No, I'm sick of sitting up there, wondering when the doors are gonna get torn down. I'm not gonna stand by. Now, how can I help?" Debbie asked,

The doctor stared at her for a moment before nodding, "Grab that towel and follow me with it." 

Debbie did what she was told, grabbing the towel and pressing it against Carl's face where Denise told her to go with it.

The door opened and Michonne glanced over, "What- what are you doing?" They all turned to see Rick standing on the porch, with only his hatchet, "Rick!"

Finn turned to Debbie, "You stay here, okay? I'll be back."

"Finn, no!" Debbie yelled, watching her brother grab a machete and head outside after the sheriff, "Finn!"

Michonne, Heath, and Aaron were the next to go help, and then Spencer. It was only Denise and Debbie left behind to take care of Carl.

"Hey." Denise got her attention, "You're doing good."

Debbie gave her a small smile, "So are you."

There was no more sitting around, hoping for things to be okay. You have to take your life into your own hands.

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