chapter 62

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"Mama hurt." Liam stated as he buried his face into her shoulder,

"Mama's okay." Vivian whispered, tears running down her cheeks.

She was so focused on seeing Liam, she almost missed the four unfamiliar faces who were sitting in the cellblock, waiting for Rick.

But he simply walked past, barely giving them a glance, before walking towards the cells and Carl locked the door behind him.

Carl released the stone cold look on his face before approaching Vivian. She gave him a sad smile before he wrapped his arms around her, and pressed his wet face to her chest, "I thought I was going to lose you, too."

Vivian took off his hat and kissed the top of his head, "You're never going to lose me, sweet boy." She mumbled into the top of his head,

The brunette glanced up to catch Rick's eye, as he held the baby in his arms. She gave him a nod before letting go of Carl and setting Liam on the floor.

Hershel hobbled over to her, "Come. Let me take a look at those cuts."

Carl took Liam while Hershel and Vivian went into her cell. She slowly unbuttoned Rick's shirt, her back to the older man, letting him see the cuts first. He cleaned them before allowing her to put on a tank top before examining her ribs.

She winced as he pressed down on them. He gaged her reactions before leaning back, "Well, I don't think they're broken. Worst case scenario, cracked. Most definitely bruised."

"Thanks, Merle." Vivian mumbled, gently sitting down on her bunk,

"I suggest no heavy lifting, and that includes Liam." Hershel stated,

"He's like thirty pounds." Vivian argued,

"You need to take it easy, especially right now. We need you to heal as soon as possible." Hershel explained, "If you strain too much, those fractures will turn into real breaks."

She nodded, "Got it, doc."

He stood, balancing on his crutches, "Anything else you want me to look at?"

Vivian was quick to shake her head, "No... no I'm good." She mumbled before watching him walk out of her cell.

Marcie stood in the crowd that had gathered outside the Governor's residence. Her father stood next to her, no emotion on his face.

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