chapter 53

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She sat in the courtyard, Liam playing a few feet away. The men were out in the forest, collecting fire wood to burn the pile of bodies they had.

She just wanted Rick to trust again.

Not everyone is Shane.

The cell block door opened and Vivian turned to see Beth, Lori, and Carl helping Hershel with his new crutches, "I got you here if you need it."

"Just take your time on those steps."

"Look at you go." Vivian smiled at them, standing from the benches,

Hershel gave her a smile as they approached, "You cleared all those bodies out? It's startin' to look like a place we could really live in."

"Hey, you watch your step. Last thing we need is you falling." Lori said from his side,

Liam stood and grabbed his toy and ran over to Beth, who picked the boy up, "Whatchu got there?"

"You're doing great, Daddy." Maggie smiled as she watched from further away,

Carl smirked, "Ready to race, Hershel?"

"You give me another day, I'll take you on." The old man replied,

Vivian smiled before looking over at Lori, who looked uncomfortable, "You doing okay?"

Despite what happened the other day, Vivian didn't want to hold grudges. Not in a world like this when you don't know what day is going to be your last.

She nodded, "Just need to get off my feet."

"Maybe you should-"

"Walkers! Look out!" Carl interrupted with a yell,

Vivian grabbed her gun and rushed in front of the group and began to shoot the walkers, Lori and Carl following quickly behind. She heard Liam's scared cries coming from behind her,

"Beth! Take Hershel and Liam and go in the fences right there!" Vivian pointed to a set up steps that led to a door, but was surrounded by a chainlink fence.

The younger girl nodded and gripped Liam tightly as she helped her father to the steps, and Vivian was sure to shoot any walkers that got near them.

But there was still a lot more coming, and they didn't have enough bullets.

Maggie ran over to the cellblock doors, "Lori! Here!"

Vivian placed a hand on Carl's and Lori's backs to urge them towards the Greene girl while firing at the walkers behind them,

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