chapter 10

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Glenn was driving, trying to get as close as he can without getting the attention of all of the walkers inside the city.

Vivian was in the passenger seat, looking at a map to figure out where the guns were and the building where Merle was currently holed up at.

Marcie sat next to T-Dog, watching Daryl as he sat against Vivian's seat, glaring at him. She guessed that was his usual facial expression and T-Dog didn't seem very phased by it.

She glanced over at Rick, who was sat next to her, "Do you think they're okay?" She whispered,


"Morgan and Duane. You don't think they've tried to go into the city yet, do you?" Marcie asked him,

Rick shook his head, "Nah... not until we've told them it's safe."

Marcie leaned her head against the metal wall of the van. She hoped the father and son were okay. They seemed smart enough, the one night she spent with them. They kept low, kept quiet. They'd survive.

But they really needed to get to that radio before they left for Atlanta.

"He'd better be okay." They all turned to Daryl as he spoke up, "It's my only word on the matter."

"I told you the geeks can't get at him. The only thing that's gonna get through that door is us." T-Dog repeated,

Glenn put the truck in park and turned to the rest of the group, "We walk from here."

Daryl was quick to head towards the back door of the van, kicking Marcie's boot as he did. She rolled her eyes as she stood up and followed after him.

She clipped the back pack together, so it wouldn't slip from her shoulders. Rick and T-dog jumped down and they held out a hand for her to jump. She gripped them before her boots hit the gravel, giving them a nod in thanks.

Vivian walked over, smirk on her face, "Ready to go for a jog?"

The group ran through the railyard, jumping over tracks and weaving between train carriages. They made it under a bridge and went over to the fence, where there was already a hole cut through from when Glenn and Vivian used to go on a supply run themselves.

"Merle first or guns?" Rick asked as they all ducked through the hole,

"Merle! We ain't even having this conversation." Daryl exclaimed,

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