chapter 70

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She had a sad smile as she turned the page and spotted a family photo of Trevor, Jillian, and Liam. There was another photo of her and Glenn, arms wrapped around each other's shoulders.

It was taken at the beginning, at the quarry. Back where their only concern was the dead.

There was another photo of Lori, Carl, and Shane. When Judith is old enough, she'd show her this photo and tell her about her mom.

Rick stood in the doorway, watching for a moment, "Almost ready?"

Vivian's head shot up to meet his gaze. She quickly shut the book, not wanting him to see the photo of Shane.

Now was not the time to bring up memories.

She nodded, stuffing the book away before zipping Liam's bag up and standing, "Yeah... yeah I'm ready."

Vivian went to exit the cell but Rick grabbed her arm gently, "I want you to stay with Hershel and the kids." 

Her eyes widened, "What? Rick, you need as many-"

"I need you with them. If the Governor or any Woodbury people stumble upon them, they need someone there to protect them. Liam needs you there to protect him." Rick reasoned,

She stared up at him for a moment before nodding, "Okay."

"Thank you."

He grabbed her other bag and led her out to the cars, a hand on her lower back. They both set the bags into the back of the Hyundai before Rick went to check the oil, to make sure it was running okay if they needed a quick getaway.

Vivian went to put Liam into his car seat, securing him and giving him a toy to play with. Carl came out the cell block and Rick went to speak with him.

The younger Grimes broke out of his grip, clearly upset at his father before going to shove his bag in the trunk,

"I've never seen him this mad." Glenn commented, "Even with Lori, he just shut down."

Vivian glanced over at the boy, who was pouting by the car, "He's still a kid. As much as he doesn't want to be treated like one, it's easy to forget."

The brunette looked around at their home. After Merle freed Michonne and died giving them a chance, they all came up with a plan.

They were going to abandon the prison. Or at least, make it look like they did to fool the Governor.

Vivian, Beth, and Hershel were going to hide out in the woods with the kids. Hershel and Beth weren't fighters, and Vivian was going to keep them safe in case anybody finds them.

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