chapter 48

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"Ready?" Rick asked them, ready to open the gate into the courtyard,

She took a deep breath and gave Rick a nod. He unclipped the carabiners and slid the gate open.

T-Dog was the first to take a walker out as everyone shuffled inside. The group formed a circle, their backs facing each other to make sure a walker couldn't sneak up on any of them.

They tried not to break rank, only taking a few steps away to kill a walker approaching them.

Vivian sliced the top of the head of a walker and quickly moved back to her place between Rick and Glenn.

The others stayed in the field, creating noise to distract what walkers they could. Even Liam was shouting, but Lori made sure he didn't stick his hand through the fence.

They moved further and further into the courtyard, and Vivian felt a little proud. Rick's plan was working, they weren't overwhelmed like she thought they would be.

"Don't break rank!"

"We need that!"

Vivian turned to see T-Dog moving over to shield that once belongs to a prison guard,

"T!" The dark skinned man pushed a walker over with his shield and Vivian darted forward to stab it through the brain,

"Viv!" Rick called out, reaching for her arm and pulling her back into the formation, "Almost there."

They continued on until Rick spotted another courtyard filled with walkers. He quickly pressed himself against the wall and motioned for the others to do the same,

"Shit." Vivian hissed quietly as she spotted a few walkers who used to be prison guards, dressed in riot gear, walking out from behind a dumpster and began to approach them,

More appeared in front of them and Daryl fired his crossbow, his bolt bouncing off the walker's helmet,

The group separated, Rick, Vivian, T-Dog, and Daryl going after the prison guards while Maggie and Glenn had to deal with a few more walkers who came out of the open door to their right.

She pushed the prison guard away and the walkers in the courtyard noticed them. She grabbed the carabiners from Rick's pocket and rushed towards the gate,

"Cover me!" Vivian yelled,

Rick was quick to take out a walker that was near her as Vivian kicked another walking corpse back into the courtyard. She quickly shut it as the horde tried to escape, and Rick held it closed while she hooked the carabiners to keep the gate closed,

"That was a close one." She panted,

Vivian turned to see Maggie stabbing one of the prison guards underneath the helmet and through the chin, "See that?" She grinned.

Everyone followed suit, copying her by grabbing their helmets and tilting their head back before stabbing them through the chin and into the brain.

They all paused and looked around. The courtyard was littered with bodies, but none of them moving.

Glenn went to open the gate for the rest of their group but Rick stopped him, "Well, it looks secure." Glenn argued,

"Not from the look of that courtyard over there." Daryl pointed at the walker-filled courtyard that Vivian sealed shut before turning towards a female walker he took out, "And that's a civilian."

"So the interior could be over run by walkers from outside the prison." T-Dog replied,

"Or she could have been visiting when the world went to shit." Vivian crossed her arms,

"Well, if there's walls, then, what are we gonna do? We can't rebuild this whole place." Glenn continued,

"We can't risk a blind spot. We have to push in." Rick stated, leading them towards a door that was labelled 'C Block'.

The others outside the courtyard looked confused and Vivian held a hand out, telling them to wait. Daryl opened the door and Rick held his knife out, ready to attack anything on the other side.

It was quiet as they headed to the first door, and Vivian wasn't sure if that was a good sign or bad.

Rick opened the next door and it squeaked loudly, causing Vivian to tighten her grip on her knife.

T-Dog brought up the rear and closed the outer door, sealing them inside. Vivian's eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness to reveal the messy, but empty cell block.

So far, no walkers.

They split up, quickly checking all areas of the common room. Vivian went into the area with all the cells and the others followed.

Vivian paused at the first cell, spotting a dead prisoner sitting against the wall, his brains splattered against the cement.

Rick squeezed her arm, "You okay?" He asked quietly,

She nodded, giving him a small smile before moving on.

He checked the next door at the end of the block, finding it locked. This area of the prison was secured.

It was safe.

Besides from a few walkers trapped in their cells, that is.

Once Vivian got the signal, she went outside to get the others. Liam sat on her hip as they entered the cell block once again, carrying their bags on her other shoulder.

"What do you think?" Rick asked them as the rest of the group began to file in,

"Home sweet home." Glenn joked,

"For the time being."

"It's secure?" Lori asked, looking around.

Rick had a gentle smile on his face and Vivian took a moment to imprint it in her head. It had been a long time since she's seen him smile.

"This cell block is." He answered,

"What about the rest of the prison?" Hershel questioned,

"In the morning, we'll find the cafeteria, and the infirmary." Rick responded,

"We'll sleep in the cells?"

"I found the keys on some guards." Their leader informed them, "Daryl has a set too."

"I ain't sleeping in no cage." Daryl commented from the second floor of the room, "I'll take the perch."

Vivian set Liam down, "Go choose a room." She told the toddler and he ran to look at the cells,

"This one!" The little boy jumped up and down in the doorway of the second cell. Vivian smirked, at least he didn't choose one with a body in it,

She set the bags down by the door and Liam was hanging off the ladder, "I want the tall bed!"

Vivian hummed, her hands on her hips. It was high off the ground with no railing to keep him from falling off. Maybe she could get Daryl or T-Dog to find something to keep him from rolling off the side,

"Only if you're careful, big guy." She responded, helping him up the rest of the ladder.

Once he was on the top, Vivian searched for his blanket in his bag and placed it over him, giving him his stuffed lion,

"Night, mama." Liam whispered as he closed his eyes,

Tears filled her eyes, "Night, baby."

They had to make this place work. They just had to.

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