chapter 112

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Vivian held Liam on her hip as she walked down the street with Carl and Judith. The boy had taken off his hat the night before and had yet to put it back on.

Carl shrugged, "Don't need it right now. I have a room now and might as well put things in it."

She smiled at the kid, "Good point. I'll have to start looking for decorations for your room when I go out there."

Deanna had given her the job as a supply runner along side Glenn, Tara, and Noah. Tomorrow they were going to meet up with the people in charge of runs and go on a test run.

"And comics, please." 

"Oh, of course." 

Vivian looked around the neighbourhood, not catching many faces. She assumed most people were at their assigned jobs for the day. She wondered what they did for hobbies, since you couldn't just leave the walls. 

Her nose wrinkled at the smell of a cigarette and searched for the source of the smell. On the corner of the street, she spotted a person sitting on the railing, the cigarette between his lips.

Vivian paused, her eyes widening, "Vivian?"

She kept her eyes focused on the figure, blinking a few times to make sure the man were real.

"Finn." She whispered.

He still had his wild blonde hair that stuck up in random directions, and his bright blue eyes that belonged to their father. Finn looked older, from a distance, as if this world aged him.

It had been years since she's seen him. And it felt like a dream.

The man tossed the cigarette butt on the wood and smudged it in with his foot before going inside. But there was no mistaking it.

It was her younger brother.

"I'll be right back." Vivian handed Liam off to Carl before sprinting down the street,

Questions ran through her mind as she ran. How was that possible? They were in Chicago when it all went down, how did they end up in Virginia? Was it just him, or were all her siblings here in Alexandria?

Tears ran down her cheeks as Vivian jogged up the steps of the porch. She wiped them away as she stared down at the still warm cigarette butt on the porch before knocking on the door white door.

Her heart was beating loudly in her ears as she waited of rate door to open.

What if it wasn't him? What if she was just imagining it?

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