chapter 28

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"What do you mean?" The Korean boy responded, glancing at something over Vivian's shoulder.

She turned her head to spot Maggie standing on the porch, glaring at Glenn. The farm girl shook her head before heading inside,

"I'm not stupid, Glenn. You've been acting weird for a few days now. And the fruit and jerky? And the glares? Maggie wants you to keep something quiet and I doubt it's that you two are sleeping together."

Glenn's eyes widened, "You know we've had sex?"

"Please, I'm sure everyone but Carl and Liam know. So, what gives?" Vivian crossed her arms.

"Um... well... there's, uh..."

"Spit it out, Glenn." Vivian hissed,

"There's walkers in the barn." Glenn whispered.

Vivian stared at Glenn, her eyes wide, "What? Why? How many?" Only yards away, there had been flesh eating dead people, rotting away in a barn that's barely held together by rusty nails and moldy wood.

"I don't know, at least a dozen. And well, they think they're still people. That they can get better."  Glenn explained,

"And you didn't tell anyone? Glenn, they could've gotten out!" Glenn scrambled to cover Vivian's mouth, to keep her quiet, and she pushed him away, "What if they attacked in the middle of the night, just like the quarry?!"

And torn them apart just like that night when Jillian and Trevor died?

"I know, I'm sorry, okay? But this is their land, their rules." Glenn replied,

"Who else knows?" Vivian's face hardened,

"Just Dale." He answered,

She nodded, "And now you're going to tell Rick."


"But nothing. If those walkers break out and attack this group, you're gonna feel like shit, Glenn. Rick can come up with a plan. He can talk to Hershel." She reasoned,

Glenn sighed and nodded, "Yeah, you're right."

"Of course I'm right."

The Korean stood up and walked over to the group, "Um, guys." He rubbed his face nervously, and the others kind of glanced at him while continuing with whatever they were doing, "So... The barn is full of walkers."

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