chapter 22

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It was now pitch black. The only reason why Vivian knew she was in the right place was because the lights in the house were still on.

The farm seemed untouched. Electricity, maybe even water.

These people were lucky.

Vivian got out of the car quietly, not wanting to wake the toddler. T-Dog and Glenn joined her, looking around the quiet place.

"So do we ring the bell?" Glenn asked, "I mean it looks like people live here."  

"We're past this kind of stuff, aren't we? Having to be considerate." T-Dog replied,

"I wouldn't go that far." Vivian said,

"Did you close the gate up the road when you drove in?" They all turned to see a brunette woman around Vivian's age standing on the porch, in an area where the light didn't reach,

"Uh, hi. Yes, we closed it. Did the latch and everything." Glenn cleared his throat, "Hello. Nice to see you again. We met before briefly."

Vivian smirked at Glenn's nervousness. So this was the Zorro woman from before that came to get Lori.

"Look, we came to help." Vivian stated, "There anything we can do?"

They noticed her eyes going to T-Dog's arm, where the gauze was taped to his wound, "It's not a bite. I cut myself pretty bad though."

"We'll have it looked at. I'll tell them you're here." The woman replied,

Glenn reached into his bag, "We have some painkillers and antibiotics." He grabbed the bottles that Daryl gave him, "I already gave him some. If Carl needs any."

"Come on inside. I'll make you something to eat." She opened the door and Glenn glanced back at Vivian.

Vivian went back to the car to grab Liam while the others waited on the porch, "Oh, I didn't know you had a-"

"He isn't mine. Well... I guess now he is." Vivian mumbled the last part before Glenn held the door open for her.

The woman, who they learned was Maggie, let Vivian set Liam down on the couch before leading them towards the stairs to the room Carl was in.

Carl was laying on the bed, shirtless and pale. He had a large bandage on his side that leaked red. Next to him was an older man, while Rick, Lori, and another woman sat nearby.

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