chapter 92

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They could still see it rising in the distance, no matter how far they got away from Terminus.

The group wasn't walking with a true purpose. They didn't know where to go. It reminded Vivian of the time after the farm, when they were wandering from town to town, looking for a place to make a home.

They stopped with only hours until sundown, to make camp in the woods. Vivian fished out the rest of the formula and put it into a bottle for Judith, handing it over to her older brother who had yet to let go of the baby.

Rick handed her some pecans that Carol kept in her bag and she watched him walk away before handing them to Liam.

Every once in a while she would feel his eyes on her, and sometimes she would meet his gaze. But that's all there was.

Longing stares.

It wasn't the time nor the place for anything more.

That night, Marcie sat on a log on the outskirts of the camp. She could still see the fire that most of them were gathered around, but she couldn't feel its' warmth.

"Ya can sleep, ya know." Daryl grunted as he sat down next to her,

Marice hummed, looking over and observing his face. His black eye was now turning into a lighter purple, and the cuts had scabbed over completely, now healing.

He had told her about what happened, before Terminus. He was with Beth, and he lost her. Then he joined some group of men, bad men. They had found Rick, Carl, and Michonne, and he turned on the men, who in return, beat him badly.

But they had survived in the end.

"Ya didn' sleep last night either," He commented,

"I don't want to close my eyes." Marcie mumbled, her attention turning to the knife in her hand,

"Why not?"

She bit her lip, contemplating before speaking, "I'm... I'm scared that when I wake up... you won't be there."

Marcie was scared she was dreaming. That she didn't find Daryl, or any the others. She's scared that she's still alone out in the woods.

Because despite getting her revenge, avenging her family, it doesn't change the fact that they're gone, dead.

Daryl reached over and grabbed her hand, their star tattoos pressing against one another.

"I ain't leavin' ya any time soon." He promised.

Marcie gave him a small smile, opening her mouth to speak but was interrupted by the sound of a branch snapping. The two of them stood, weapons drawn. Daryl took a few steps forward, staring out into the darkness of the woods,

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