chapter 123

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She watched in horror as Rick turned to Pete, his gun raised, and he pulled the trigger without any hesitation. Jessie let out a small scream of horror as the bullet was lodged into her husband's head.


Not exactly the first impression they wanted to give Morgan.

She knew Pete deserved it, Marcie knew Rick wouldn't kill without a reason. But it was so public... she was just glad the kids weren't around.

The Monroe family went back into mourning, but this time over the loss of their head of family. Even after everyone had left the scene, Deanna stayed next to her husband. Marcie went to relieve Spencer from his guard duty, not telling him the extent of what happened. He asked about the gunshot, but Marcie just told him to go, that his mother needed him.

Abe went to go bury Reg's body, while Daryl and Rick went to help Morgan get settled in.

Marcie wasn't sure what was going to happen next. 

Once she was relieved from guard duty, Marcie took the long way home. She stopped by the field where they were keeping Buttons. Tobin and a few others began building a stable for him, and hopefully future horses. Deanna had recognised that fuel sources were depleting, and soon they would need other sources of transportation. 

"Hi, boy." Marcie whispered, grabbing an apple from a bucket and feeding Buttons while stroking his nose, "It's been a few days, hasn't it? A lot's happened since I left, huh?" The horse made a huffing noise as he searched for more food in her hand, "We'll go out for a ride soon, I promise."

Debbie was sitting on the roof outside Carl's bedroom window, just staring into the darkness. After the gun shot, after the screams, Rick had shown back up covered in blood, with Daryl and a stranger behind him.

They sat in the kitchen and told the kids to go to bed after they repeatedly asked what happened. But they weren't given any answers.

Vivian and Finn didn't return right away, and Debbie didn't want to walk home alone in the dark. She knew she would be fine, but didn't mean she wasn't scared.

Carl climbed out onto the roof next to her, "My dad killed Pete."

"That was what the gunshot was?" Debbie asked, playing with the fraying edges of her t-shirt.

He nodded, "He wasn't a good guy. He killed Reg, too, I heard my dad talking about it."

"Oh." Debbie's heart hurt for the Monroe and Anderson family. Her dad wasn't a good man either, but she still cared for him and it upset her after he got torn apart at the beginning, "Have... have you ever had to kill someone before?"

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