chapter 14

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She could run for long distances without needing to stop. Not much could be said for the others. She could hear the others behind her, panting heavily.

The sun was low in the mountains as they made it to the canyons. It wouldn't be long until they reached the camp.

Vivian could only imagine what Merle would do if he showed up to camp and Daryl wasn't there.

If they were lucky, he passed out behind the wheel. And they would have more time.

She had to get back to Jillian and Liam. 

Screams pierced the air and they all paused. Gunshots followed, "Go! Go!" 

Vivian gripped the gun in her hands as she sped up her pace and sprinted towards the camp, the others quickly behind her.

"Jillian!" Vivian screamed, bursting through the trees.

She aimed her gun and shot at anything that growled or stumbled as she searched for her best friend.

But it was too much. The screams, the smell of blood in the air. It was dark and she couldn't find them.

Marcella gripped her hunting knife, adrenaline running through her veins. She ran to the closest walker, pulling it off the camper it was chewing on and stabbing it through the head.

Someone bumped into her and she went flying to the ground. Her knife flew from her hand, getting buried in the dirt.

"Shit!" Marcie began searching for it quickly as more walkers approached.

A hand grabbed her ankle and she spun around on her ass, kicking the walker away. She back away until her back hit a tree.

The walker crawled towards her and Marcie lifted her foot and brought it down on the walker's head multiple times until it stopped moving.

She blew a strand of hair away from her face and stood in time for another walker to come towards her. 

Marcie tripped the walker and kneeled above it, grabbing a large rock from the ground and slammed it against the walker's skull.

Another body collapsed next to her, a bolt through its' brain. She dropped the rock and turned to see Daryl reloading his crossbow.

He gave her a nod before turning and taking out more biters.

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