2. Ignorance.

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I tried to shake the uneasiness

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I tried to shake the uneasiness. My heart thumping loudly against my chest. Clenching my fists tightly, I tried to control the shivers running down my spine or the huffed breaths or the way my palms sweating or the goosebumps on my body.

Waheguru chakk kyu nahi lete aap mainu?

I'm not proud of the choices I made. I didn't just leave him for a stupid misunderstanding, I removed everyone from my life that was our mutual. His sister and my bestfriend? I minimised our contact. His best friend and my brother? I stopped replying his calls or his texts. His family, my family— I never visited them. Never ever let them come to me in London.

My parents last visited me 2 and half years ago and that was their 2nd and last time. I didn't come for engagements, diwalis, other parties or huge celebrations that happened between both our families. I was always working or busy for them. But for me, I was just avoiding this exact moment.

The Sahdev family welcomed me with open arms, as if I never left. They always loved me more then their own children. I spent the last 6 hours catching up with my mother, his mother, Falak and Suhana. But this tightening feeling, this guilt of how I hurt them all never stopped my heart from clenching itself in pain.

I am going to make up to all these people, each and every one. But him..? I don't think I ever can... because I know him the best.. he loves giving his heart and soul and he hates with double power.

He's not going to make this easy. He never made our little fights easy and this one is a huge-fluffing-thing.

I looked around the table, Avni Maa glaring at Samyak Papa as he typed something in his phone. Suhana looking nervously at Falak. Yug had some business thing to attend so he left after dropping me home.

Bhai. Who didn't even smile at me. My brother, who wouldn't let me out of his sight, didn't even hug me when we looked at each other after 5 years.

Suhana, Falak and Yug tried to go through the prank which was epic fail given the situation we were in. Because the moment I saw my brother and friends standing there, tears trailed down my eyes. I hugged Suhana, Falak, Yug and Myra one by one, while my brother took my luggage and put it in the car. Not sparing me another glance, he settled down in the driver seat.

"Maa!" I heard him shout from the hall. Everyone turned to look at the main entrance, I heard his footwears slapping against the floor as he made his way towards us.

I had my back to him but as he stopped exactly behind me, my breathing quickened.. and it was not in a good way. I forgot how to breath with the sudden change in air. The hairs on my nape stood up with fear. My toes curling in my slip-ons. I entangled my fingers in my lap to stop them from shivering in front of everyone.

"Sahil! You don't know how to answer the phone?" Avni Maa said standing up from her chair and walked towards him. I still didn't turn around. I know he has seen me sitting here but his voice was the same.. as if I'm not sitting just inches away from him.

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