5. Show down.

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"Why the fuck don't you let me in here? Only Advik comes here

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"Why the fuck don't you let me in here? Only Advik comes here. Why not Suhana or Falak or anyone else?" Hood asks trying to see past my height into the room. But as always, I turned the lights off before opening the door.

"Advik has no knowledge of personal boundaries and he can be a stick in my ass when he wants. But I can control you all. Move away." I walk out closing the door behind me and it clicked thrice telling me that it's locked and won't open without my fingerprint.

"The level of security you have in this room and nothing at all on your office tells exactly where your priorities lie." Hood narrowed his eyes to my face and then to the door.

He's obsessed about that room!

Not as obsessed as me though.

"Glad we cleared that on first step. What do you want? Don't you have to drive your Ma'am somewhere?" I ask walking to my clothes and choose a jeans to change in.

I have barely seen him these days, he's always with her. A part of me is glad that he's with her, keeping her safe. The other part was angry at the fact that how the fuck could I care for her? After everything.

"I'm here to remind you that it's Saturday today, you've successfully ignored everyone for nine days now. But your parents want you at home for dinner, which is in... 35 minutes. And my Ma'am is on time." He said looking at his wristwatch and then my face. I pick up a t-shirt next and put it on my chest. "You have her name--"

"Shut up." One look at my eyes and he shuts up, without any smug grins or teasing. Fuckers knows me too well. "I am done here. I'll be shifting back to my house." I continue getting ready.

After spending these past few days, alone, stuck up in between the penthouse and office; I realized that hiding away is doing no good. I have to play my cards before she gets Advik on her side too. She already has my parents, Suhana, Yug, Falak, Myra and Hood wrapped around her little clawy fingers.

I can't lose my best friend to her!

I start piling up my stuff but then realize that I forgot my phone in the paint room. Peeking up at Hood, I made sure he was away and busy before I headed to the door and unlocked it.

Before I could turn the lights on, the door closed, and I grind my molars together. Knowing he's in the room, I flicked the lights on and turn to glare at him.

"F— Woah. Woah. Wasn't expecting this... at all." He grins before looking around the room.

It was my space. A room only I or Advik had seen and now this bastard. My painting space. My peace. Everyone knows that I paint, but they haven't seen this.

Grandpa made this room for office security, but I changed that into my private space. This was Sahdev's penthouse and the one opposite this-- Mehrotra's. I chose this one specifically for this room. The moment I saw this, I knew I wanted this room.

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