8. Dinner date & trip plans.

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I looked at all the stuff again and let out a whine

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I looked at all the stuff again and let out a whine. God. Why do I have so many clothes?

"Ahaa, princess I am telling you to get help. You won't be able to do this all alone." Dad said from the door. I pouted at him and then looked around the mess in the room. What about the help princess needs and not for her clothes?

"No Paa. I'll do it myself. I just need to find something to wear tonight and then I'll do it after the dinner." I murmured scanning the clothes on the bed for a nice dress.

"Dinner? You have a date or something, Ahaa?" He asked. His forehead creasing in confusion. I sighed and shook my head.

"Falak wanted us to spend some time alone. We haven't had a single proper conversation yet." I walked to him and put my head on his chest. He put one of his hands on the back of my head and the other on my back. We girls can feel the love and care rolling off our father with their hugs only.

"I am happy you're here." He whispered softly. I felt my body go stiff.

"I am happy to be here, Dad. And I am here to stay now." I tightened my hold on him.

"Agar ye sab ho gaya hai toh thoda kaam kar le?" Said the deep voice of someone I know oh so dearly.

"Sahil. Stop ordering around my baby." My father turned us in a way that now we were side hugging and looking directly at his face.

"You want her to work or not?" He said nodding his head at me. I narrowed my eyes.

"Working? *scoffs* You call that work? Paa, he— Joey made me fold all the extra clothes in the trial and work area. He made me arrange all the outfit design in specific folders. He made me alphabetically arrange all the client details. And let's not forget the amount of coffee I made for him in one day. That man breaths on coffee. And the worst of all... he made me write down the conversation he was having with a client and then made me read it and then said it's not worth keeping, delete it!" I was sure I was looking like a bright red tomato by the time I was done with my rant on Joey. He smirked... not like openly in front of my father but, I was sure. I know this man enough to know all about his crazy smiles and eye movements.

"But didn't you said she'll work with Joey as his stylish assistant? You wanted her to learn the styling work. This is something the interns should do and making her get coffee? What is wrong with Joey?" Dad asked him, I could feel my dad getting angry with each word. Sahil looked at me then back to Paa. I instantly regretted ranting in front of my father.

I fluffed up, didn't I?

"She's working there as an intern Uncle... it means she'll have to do whatever a normal intern is made to do. Do you want her to come off as only your daughter? You know how hard Joey gets. He just wants her to learn all the work from scratch. And what else do you think a stylist assistant does? Wrap up his mess!" He rolled his eyes at the end. I glared. How dare he roll his buttons at my father? Or me!

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