15. The end?

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It was day-four of our trip

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It was day-four of our trip. We started our journey from Kargil to Leh at 7AM today. It's half past six now and we checked in our hotel an hour ago. The journey from Kargil to Leh was supposed to be of 5-6 hours, but we stopped on some of the must viewpoints on our way here. India really is home to some amazing places. I am so glad, we decided to come here instead of some international trip.

To make the most out of our trip; we decided to take turns riding with the boys or sharing rooms with each other. When we came back from our Sona Marg sightseeing, Advik asked me to spend the night with him. First siblings' night in five years? I couldn't say no. A part of me wanted to—the selfish part, which wanted to talk to him after that conversation—but the other huge chunk took it as an opportunity to hang out with my brother.

We both had amazing time. We had conversations, he talked about my time there, I told him about my accident that nigh-- after which Advik instantly shot out of the bed to go tell Sahil right away, but I stopped him. This was my story to tell. And I'd tell him when he will be ready to know, I didn't want his sympathy on this matter. I wanted us to connect more before we talked about the deeper things.

My brother and I even traveled together the next day (Day-3) --others called us koalas but eff them. We spent the whole day with each other until we had an argument, he wanted to try thukpa-- a dish of Kargil; I was scared of its freakin' name, leave seeing or eating it--and also, I wanted Momo's. And he wouldn't let me have it, because he wanted us to share a plate— as it increases the love. Yeah, we broke up then. Bloody Raccoon!

I spent that night with Falak and Suhana, mostly to keep Falak away from Advik—suck it up, brother. You mess with the cat; you get the whiskers— and then also to spend some quality time with my best friends. The boys did not like having to spend the night in one room, so around midnight, after having enough of Yug and Advik bothering and constantly taunting him, Sahil booked a separate room.

I got to know about that 'intense' conversation though. Yug just being the usual Yug and asking Suhana to tell her brother to behave nicely with me or else he'll hook me up with some guy he knows. He went ahead and even told her about 'the guy'.

Basically, he was mentally planning 'Ahaana ka svayamvara'. Don't let the Satan's errand boy know about that, Yug— he'll kill you and leave you as snacks for Coco and Oreo.

Next day (Day-4), Sahil Sahdev decided to be a princess —I miss Hood—when I went to sit on his bike; he looked right in my eyes and asked Suhana to come with him saying he missed her— the night before he was banging the door of our room to give her reasons on 'why she should break up with Yug and plan his murder with her brother.' Suhana told him to 'fluff himself.'

I traveled with Yug, from Kargil to Sona Marg. We both made sure to drive the fastest, just to increase the heartrates of two Sahdev's. Yug and I are in the 'you can't sit with us' friendship now. All through my khatron ke khiladi' moment my brother was MIA, maybe kissing his way down Falak's throat as he says. Yikes, for the instant image my head served me.

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