41. Poetry night & friends.

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My wife gets comfortable on the bed as I draw the curtains and darkness washes over the room

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My wife gets comfortable on the bed as I draw the curtains and darkness washes over the room. Just last night I started turning the lights off before she was asleep. She's still scared of dark but doesn't show when I'm around her. I feel her heart hammering as soon as she lets the darkness sink in. My steps are quick, and I reach her, giving her my hand, she lets me get on the bed. I turn the bedside lamp on at its lowest.

The worry fades from her eyes, and she smiles at me, wrapping her arms around my torso, I kiss her crown. "Killian said you were suicidal." I break the silence. If we are talking, I want every bit of information out so we can stop living in past and finally move forward with a clean slate.

"Killian needs to shut the fluff up and mind his darn business." She growls like a little cub; I smack her head making her whine. "Domestic violence ka case kar doonga main." My wife warns me. "Shukr mana thappad nahi tha, wo bhi maar sakta hoon main." Her eyes narrows at my words.

"I knew getting married to someone I grew up with was a bad idea." She murmurs huffing and banging her head to my chest a few times. Smacking, slapping, hair tugging, are all a normal thing between us, has always been. I remember the first time she slapped me. Just because I didn't look at her when she was talking to me. Damn the brat slaps hard!

"Stop stalling, if we finish this conversation..." I lean down to her ear. "I might thank you for the car thing. The way you want." I swipe my tongue behind her ear. She sucks in a deep inhale, mewling at the feeling.

"You know how to charm a woman in a conversation." Our gaze collides, her eyes then glides down to my lips. I lean down, giving her a taste. She loves nibbling on my lips. Before she can push her tongue in my mouth and take this the other way, I pull back. Her tongue swipes on her lips. "I know how to charm my woman." I whisper over her lips.

"Mhm." She hums, I rub my knuckles on her inner thigh, she cages my hand between her legs. "The quicker we get this conversation out of the way, the quicker you can have my tongue where you want." Her throat bobs as she gulps down some saliva, I blow air on her lips and trailing it down to her neck and chest. "You one evil thing, Bub." My wife shakes head at me. I lean back smirking, knowing she'll be parrot in my hand now.

"I was. After Falak and Suh visited me, I just didn't know how to-- what to think and do. It all was dawned on me like hot liquid. I couldn't go back to not knowing and I couldn't... didn't know how to step after knowing everything. They lived with me for a week, and I just had to eat, cry, sleep and repeat. But when they left, it took me three days to step out of my bed. Things rushed back to me in nightmares. How I left. How Dadu was no more. How much I was bullied, and it all just stuck to me. This wasn't just draining the energy out of me; it was taking me a step closer to giving up. Then I did." My forehead creases in confusion, she looks away not meeting my eyes. The second she tried to hide away her eyes from me, I knew she did something. Something she shouldn't have. "Bol." I gritted out, I could feel the blood in my veins roaring, burning.

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