37. Darling, you're my lover.

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"Bub?" I whisper, testing if what I have been thinking--noticed-- is actually true or just my imagination

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"Bub?" I whisper, testing if what I have been thinking--noticed-- is actually true or just my imagination. But the way his breath hitches for a second and then goes back to the same deep and calm pace, tells me all I need to know.

"Bub?" I mumble again, the smile on my face never disappearing. His breath flatters for a second before resuming the pace, again. I bite down on my lower lip, loving the effect I have on my husband.

"Shai." I whisper, rubbing my knuckles on his cheeks, he hums, relaxing more under my touch.

"Get up, bub. It's our last day here and I'm sad." I lean closer to his ear and start tracing it with my nose, he nods in his sleep. "I love you baby." I smile at the way his breath hitches again. Fluff. This man.

"Love you more, She." He murmurs in his sleep, making me giggle at his cuteness. "Mera babyyy!" I hold his jaw between my fingers, his lips turn into 'o' shape, making me kiss the pout. "Tera baby." He mumbles-nods and starts patting my back lightly, trying to make me go back to sleep.

I decide to let him sleep some more as my head takes me back to the countless memories we have made in these ten-days. From talking about everything important to everything silly, from roaming around Santorini to staying in bed the whole day, from making love countless times in a single day to fighting, taunting eachother and not letting me put my 'claws on him' as he says— this is what our ten days were all about. The happiest days of my life. Our lives.

I'm really looking forward to going back home to our families, but this... the time that I have spent with him, I'll miss this. Just the two of us. Enjoying, living, loving and being together.

My eyes move towards the pool making my cheeks red. My husband said he'll have his way with me in the pool, and he had that last night.


"Sahil Samyak-Paa Sahdev!" I growl out loudly, my fist banging on the door. He chuckles from the other side. "Give me the darn keys to the other room, fluffer." I slap the door.

"Nope. Wait for me." The fluffer replies, I glare at him through the door with my laser beam eyes and kick the door with my foot to show him how much I dislike this. I'm going to pull out his eyelashes. One by each one.

Huffing, I turn around knowing we have been through this for nine days now. The same fight every morning. "Shea, I forgot my trimmer. De na, jaan." He calls out from the bathroom; I don't bother replying.

"Baby." He calls out again, I ignore, again. I walk back to the bed and pick up his phone. Now's my chance to be a biwi. I can't believe I let him take the phone out of my hand every time I picked it up. The fluffer husband of mine is too smooth. I had to let him think that he won by going to shower first. I let him go, so I can check the phone. My pathetic self-doubting side kicked in when he took the phone—really smartly—away from me, yet again, yesterday.

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