30. Bitter memories.

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"Where you guys heading?" Advik and I stop talking and look at the brat

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"Where you guys heading?" Advik and I stop talking and look at the brat. Brat, yes. I barely see her these days and I call bullshit on the fact that she's working, handling every fucking thing related to our home. And oh, getting sick.

When she used to say she's resting, taking care of herself, blah fucking blah. I didn't know she's not fucking resting. She's not fucking taking care of herself. She passed out last night. Passed out, can you fucking believe that? This crazy woman has been eating nothing! She's not looking after her at all, she's just working.

We bought the house barely twenty days ago and it's ready— the interior work is done, the furniture, other appliances shopping? Everything done. We can move in today and have no issue. Hell, even the house staff is finalised. You do the fucking maths, how the work that should have taken more than a month is already completed. It's all her. She said she'll look into the house and I stopped checking on the work when she changed the flooring, letting her do her thing.

"Go back to the bed, Ahaa." Her brother points his index finger back to her bedroom door. "But I'm not sleepy bhai. I feel fine." She pouts at her brother, never meeting my eyes.

"Where's Suh?" She asks Advik, still not looking at me. I hate it when she doesn't give me her eyes. Fucking despise it with everything in me.

"She's already at the gym. We're leaving too." Advik mumbles while typing a reply for Falak's message. "She just woke up, you wanna come over, baby?" Yes, I read the message. Ask me if I give a flying fuck on what you all think of me!?

"I wanna come too."

"So that you can pass out again?" I speak before Advik, her eyes moves to my face from her brothers. "I'll just come along. I will get bored here." She ignores me and turns back to her brother. Fuck her. Running, in the palm or a cactus, I don't fucking care. If she's going to ignore my existence, I'll ignore the brat right back!

"Advik, can we please fucking leave? You guys are done with the outfits, I am not. I have to go finish the last piece." I look at my bestfriend, he nods and quickly kisses his little sister's head before walking along side me. We get in the elevator and she gets in with us. "Ahaana." Advik sighs tiredly.

"Please Advu. I don't wanna stay at home alone. Everyone's already off to god knows where." Advik looks at me, I shrug my shoulder. His sister. His problem. I press the button to the ground floor, the elevator closes and she leans against her brother's side.

"Why's your bestfriend being mean to me?" She mumbles, I don't look away from my phone.

"I don't know Aahu, ask him, he's your fiancé na bacha." I don't know how he can be so sweet to her all the time. This woman fucking passed out because of her ignorant behaviour and he still has love to shower her with? He needs brother lesson from me.

"With the ways he's scowling at me, I'd rather eat nails then engage in a conversation with him." She needs to tame that sassy mouth or I'm going to do something to keep her mouth busy. Things that totally includes her on her knees. Gone is the sweet Sahdev. I'm fin-fucking-ally getting married to the woman of my dreams—brat— and it's taking everything in me to not push her against the nearest wall and make her shut up and listen to me, with my lips and fingers. Seven days. Just seven more days!

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