11. Little steps.

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My gaze moves around, the living room as silent as a morgue, even my breaths felt like I was breathing on a mic

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My gaze moves around, the living room as silent as a morgue, even my breaths felt like I was breathing on a mic. I really need some expert help with my decisions, mujhse ho nahi paa raha hai ye kaam!

I, like the thief I am, with slow as a snail step crossed the living room and entered in the kitchen. I left the breath I was holding on like a deep sigh. Fluff. This is hard!

Next up, find the darn thing. Taking two steps to the side wall, I turned the light on, it filled the area blinding me in the process. Squinting my eyes and adjusting them to the sudden brightness, I quickly scanned the drawers— trying to remember where it used to be five years ago.

Again, why did I think that decision to leave was right and then now, this decision to sneak in is right? I really should get my brain wiring checked. There's something seriously wrong with me and my decision-making skills. It's definitely not my expertise.

I started with the drawer closer to me, it had spices— all the Indian spices lined up like it's some fluffing shopping mall in there. Then I remembered about the drawer that was known as the junk box—ooh la la— and I headed to it, pulling it open I looked for what I needed. My eyes brightened up as soon as I spotted the yellow packet. The god gifted heaven on earth— Maggi. Maggi. Maggi.

"What's happening here?"

"Aah—" My eyes widened at the man in front of me. I took a deep breath. I hummed at the hand against my lips.

"I am removing it, do not shout." He whispered softly, I nodded. He removed his palm from my lips, I parted my lips to exhale a loud breath.

"For the love of God! What is wrong with you!?" I said after my heart started working at its normal pace. He raised an eyebrow.

"Wrong with me? I don't think I am the one sneaking into someone's house at 2AM." He put some distance between us and crossed his arms on chest.

"I—I wasn't sneaking. I—I just needed something important." I mumbled, my cheeks feeling warm under his intense gaze.

"Such as—?" He peeked behind me at the open drawer. A small smile started to break onto his face, but he bit down on his lower lip, my own lips stretched into a smile spotting that little smile playing on his face after so long.

I made him smile. I? Really?

"I wasn't hungry during dinner but— I am now. But there was nothing good to eat so—" I trailed off realizing how stupid I sounded. He shook his head and let out a loud exhale. Is he judging my actions? I mean they're something that needs some hardcore judgment but not from him. He should be the one cheering for me when I do the dumbest of dumbest things and not go all judgmental arsehole.

Alexa, play badal gaye tum.

"Move." I moved away. He picked up the noodles packet and closing the drawer softly, walked to the stove. My eyebrows went to my hairline. He is cooking...? For me? Really? I must be dreaming or something.

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