44. Fixing it.

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"They forgot their wives?" Advik asks astonished

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"They forgot their wives?" Advik asks astonished. I chuckle still looking at the elevator. Oh. What I would do to witness The Rudra Mehrotra and Samyak Sahdev have this conversation --to be read as faceoff-- with their wives. Jumping out of the chair, I head to Zia-Shea's shared cabin where our mothers disappeared some time ago. Advik, Zia and Shea following me. "Mumma!" I yell throwing the door open. Shika Maa screeches from where she's seating on the chair. "Sahil! Stop scaring me." Shika Maa scolds keeping a hand on her chest.

"Sorry!" I walk in hopping on the table. Advik stands beside me. The girls head to the couch with gloomy faces. Whatever. I bring my focus back to the mothers. "Your husbands left." I grin at the mothers.

"What do you mean left?" Mumma questions still scrolling through her phone. "Left as in they forgot you two were here and left for-- god knows where." I shrug trying to remember if they said about where they were heading. Nope. Shika Maa looks at her best friend, my mother nods to whatever they conversed in eyes.

Ishaaro ishaaro-- Shut the fuck up Sahdev! You need to stay away from Shea.

"Kaise aunty wali harkatein hai aapki." Shea shakes her head giving me judgy looks. I look at her with my squinted eyes and focus back on my mother who has her phone on speaker. I peek to see who she's calling. Samyakji. Ji? Psst.

"Haanji biwiji." My father's voice fills the room. "Where are you?" Mumma comes straight to the point.

"In the car, just coming home. You want something, shona? Chaat? Rasmalai? Both?" My father who was just yelling and who never looks at me without daggers in his eyes, purrs from the other side. I'm thirsty, I need acid. Thankyou very much.

"And where am I, janu?" Mumma asks, her fingers moving the pen around and I'm-going-to-ruin-you look on face. Such evil woman! But my father deserves evil. "Shit! Shit! Shit!" Rudra Uncle yells from behind my father. "Avni. We're sorry. Shika. Sweetu." Rudra Uncle probably snatches the phone from my father as his voice is now clear. "We're not far. You both come down, we'll be there in two, Shi." Rudra Uncle legit pleads from the other side. Shika Maa doesn't reply and we hear a shuffle. Advik and I share a look. What did we both ever did to them? Why do they always speak to their women's and daughter's so sweetly and so angrily with Advik and I; like we kicked them in their balls? Maybe we did when we were little but why hold that against us? At this point I need a list on what all things I have to cry about in my wife's arms later tonight.

"We forgot our wives, Samyak." Rudra Uncle growls. Perhaps he returned the phone without disconnecting the call. "Avni's going to be so angry. Fuck." This makes them sweat? Really? They can deal with Bakshi and Agarwal but not these 5'4 women?

"We'll take them to their favourite chaat place. I was going to take them today but then ran into Agrawal." Rudra Uncle speaks to my father. My mother lifts her hand to cut the call but Advik stops her when we hear our names. "You think Sahil and Advik will handle Bakshi?" My father's tone comes off worried.

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