12. Here together.

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"You guys sit, I'll take it from here

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"You guys sit, I'll take it from here." I said after they were done with their identifications, Advik took Ahaana to the couch, Suhana and Falak followed them. Yug still busy informing all our parents we reached.

"Rooms are ready?" I questioned; the receptionist replied with a huge smile. Tone it down, lady. Someone is still pissed off from the Amara drama.

"Three rooms under Sahil Sahdev. Here are the keys, Sir." She pushed the keycards, and I nodded in Thank you. I handed the keycards to the bellman; he started putting all our luggage in his trolley. I nodded at my friends, and they followed me.

"There was some issue with the booking. We only have three rooms." I informed. Everyone halted in their steps. We turned to face each other.

"Ahaa and I'll share." Falak beat Suhana to it, I internally rolled my eyes.

"I'll go talk to them." Advik started to leave; I pulled him back with his shirt.

"You don't think I had a nice chat with them? They said they'll make sure to arrange one more room for us tomorrow. It's just one night, we'll adjust. No need to create a scene." The arsehole so pissed off at me, he's not even speaking to me. He has been giving me the stink eye since this morning.

Sucks to be me!

Advik shrugged his back making my hand slide down, I pushed my hand in pocket. I'll talk to him tomorrow; I have better things to do right now. "I-I'll share the room with her. It's just one night. I don't want you guys to ruin your vacation for her." I said, never taking my eyes off my best friend. Advik took a step closer; we were in public, or he'd punch me in the face. Yug looked at me wide eyed, of course, I was letting the arsehole share room with my sister willingly. Desperate times, desperate measures.

"I don't need your fucking 'kindness', she'll share the room with Falak and me." Advik said through his clenched jaw, I am seconds away from knocking his teeth out. Someone step in!

"Bhai— it's... it's fine. It's just one night. We'll ask for extra bed. Don't worry." She did. Thank fuck!


"Please, bhai? You guys are always so busy in your works. Give sometime to each other. Stop worrying over me, I feel bad." She slid in between her brother and I, my front touching her back, I took a step back, maintaining some distance --needing-- some space between us.

I waited for Advik to reply, he looked at me in warning as if saying, 'I wish I could kill you and dance over your grave' with his eyes. I get the memo, dude. "If you're uncomfortable, you let me know, all right?" He looked to his sister, cupping her cheeks, I internally scoffed. A second ago he had a murderer look and now caring as fuck brother look? How do you guys manage to switch your expressions so fast? I need classes!

I started walking away-- only way they'll know I am done with this conversation. The bellman waiting for us by the elevator, he pushed the button and it instantly opened-- again, thank fuck-- everyone joined me in the cubical space. The whole ride up to our floor was one of the worst soundless elevator rides ever. I have been around these guys for longer than I want to count, and it was the most suffocating 3 minutes of my life. I hate it when they are talking and I hate it more when they are so fucking silent, I mean who the fuck died?

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