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"I think I talk to much
I need to listen baby
I need to listen good.
I think I try to hard..."

The next day at work I couldn't focus on anything besides Harry. His presence was still lingering in the back of my mind.

Everything at had to do at the shop somehow reminded me of him. At first, it was fun to experience that kind of infatuation with someone, but I also knew there was a chance he may never come back.

But even if he did show up again, I was sure nothing would come of it. I was way too awkward to socialize with someone so beautiful.

I couldn't help but be enthralled by him, not knowing when the obsession was going to dissipate. I sat at the front desk for most of my day, eyes locked on the two front doors, praying he would walk through them.

But just like I had expected, he never did.

I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, but I knew that in the end it was probably for the better. Based off of the way Zayn had reacted the night before, I figured Harry wasn't someone I wanted to get myself tangled up in.

Zy was finishing up his last client of the day when he told me I could head home. I offered to stay so I could help him clean up shop, but he insisted on me going home early, and that I needed the rest from how hard I had worked that week.

He was right. I had given the shop my all those past few days, and the ache in my body was proving it.

I cleaned a few minor things, before powering down the computers, as I grabbed my keys off my desk. I yelled a very loud goodbye to Zayn, before finally heading out the door.

I pressed the unlock button on my keys as I walked towards my car, hoping somehow this time it would magically work that time. It didn't.

"Fancy seeing you here." I practically jumped out of my skin as a mans voice echoed behind me.

I snapped my head around, landing on a tall figure, who was leaning up against the brick of the building.

I froze in place, my body filling with udder terror, relief sweeping over me as I got a good look at the person who was headed strait for me. The light from the front of the shop draped across his face as he approached from out of the dark, striking me with the realization that Harry was the tall figure.

I could feel my heart beating against my chest, as a I let out a long sigh. Although he had scared the absolute shit out of me, I was just thankful that it was him and not some stranger ready to kidnap or kill me.

"God you can't do that!" I gasped, trying to calm my now rapid heart beat.

He seems to love his jokes.

He let out a fair laugh as he spoke, "Sorry love, I had to."

As I somehow managed to collect myself, my mind started to finally wrap around the fact that Harry was actually standing in front of me, and it wasn't just my imagination playing some cruel joke.

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