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"It will take a while,
To make you smile,
Somewhere in these eyes,
I'm on your side."

When I woke up that morning I had expected Harry to be long gone, leaving me there along in bed, but I was pleasantly surprised seeing his face as my eyes fluttered open.

The morning sun was pouring through the window, dancing across his skin, as he slept peacefully. He was so beautiful, I swore he resembled what I imagined a  Greek God to look like.

His long chestnut curls were messily draped over my baby blue cased pillows, his lips gently parted, a rosiness filled his cheeks.

He looked so gentle when he was sleeping. I kept quiet, unable to pull my gaze away from him, just watching his breath. I couldn't believe he was real. I couldn't believe any of it was real.

I was in so deep and although it felt good, I couldn't help but see the warning signs, and it scared me. I liked him so much it hurt, and I couldn't be sure if he felt the same.

I just couldn't understand what someone who looked like him would ever want with a girl like me. I was shy and awkward and inexperienced. He could have had any girl he wanted, and they would have come running after him like a lost puppy.

But for some reason, he wanted me. At least I hoped he did.

I convinced myself I was probably just overthinking like always, and decided I couldn't sit there with my thoughts anymore, and needed to get up to brush my teeth before he woke up. The last thing I wanted was to share my morning breath.

I slowly rolled over, the bed creaking underneath me slightly as I sat up. But just before my feet hit the ground, Harry's arm snaked around my waist, pulling my back into him.

I couldn't help but giggle landing back on the bed, my back hitting his chest as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Where are you going?" He groaned groggily, his raspy morning voice almost sending me into a coma.

At that point, I thought all he would have had to do was look at me, and all my clothes would have fallen off.

"Good morning to you too." I replied, keeping myself facing away from him.

"Morning." He tucked his head into my neck as he spoke.

"Harry I need to get up and brush my teeth."

I tried to pull myself from his grasp, attempting to get out of bed again, but he only held onto me tighter.

"No, stay."

"Trust me you don't want to smell my morning breath." I muttered, feeling slightly embarrassed.

I had always been self conscious, therefore easily embarrassed, especially when it came to him.

"I don't care." He let out a breathy laugh with his words.

"Well I do."

I gasped as he quickly slid out from under me, so that I rolled over onto my back. He hovered over me, holding himself up with his hands so he could look at me, his eyes still a little sleepy.

He traced over my face like he was trying to study me. That familiar smirk quickly made an appearance, and I knew he was up to something.

Before I knew it he was leaning in like he was trying to kiss me. I turned my head trying as hard as I could to doge his lips.

Who would've thought I would be denying a kiss from Harry Styles?

"What are you doing?" I questioned, looking back at him wide eyed.

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