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"I can't forget that feeling,
Even if I wanted to,
I know that you're scared,
Someone's gonna ruin you..."

On my fourth day of laying in bed, I finally decided it was time to get up. Harry would barely leave my side, bringing me food that I just shoved over to the bedside table. I could tell he was worried.

I hadn't gotten that way since I moved to Seattle. It used to be a regular occurrence until I turned about sixteen, when I was finally able to get my car and a job. Things started looking up for me at that point in life, and I looked at it like something to fight for.

I just needed a few days to be numb. I still had things to fight for. I had Harry. I knew I couldn't let my past come back and ruin everything I had worked so hard for. I had to get up.

I woke early that morning, not long after Harry had made his way out of bed. I took a long shower before tip toeing my way into the living room.

Harry was sitting on the balcony when I walked in, and I quickly made my way over to him, propping myself up on the doorframe. His face lit up the second he saw me.

"There she is! You're awake." He grabbed my waist, pulling me into him so I was sitting on his lap. I laughed softly, smiling back at him, "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. I'm sorry for making you worry." I couldn't help but feel bad.

"No, don't apologize," He lifted his hand to brush my hair from out of my face, "I'm just glad you're feeling better."

I laid my head on his shoulder, taking the cigarette from his hand, before putting it up to my lips and taking a drag. I had so much going on, I deserved to smoke. It was always strange to me how something so bad for you could be so addicting. Pure toxin filled my lungs and yet it felt like all my worries went away with every exhale. For a spit second I was living in bliss.

"I want to take you somewhere." He said, reaching over so he could brush my hair behind my shoulder.

"Where?" I questioned, giving him the cigarette back.

He smiled as he flicked the ash of the end of the cig, "It's a surprise."

He was smiling slyly as per usual, leaving me there to roll my eyes in wonder. He sure loved his games.

"Oh come on, just tell me." I replied playfully.

Harry shook his head.

"Not a chance Peach." He had that signature smirk plastered across his face.

The rest of the morning we lazily sat around the house, with me begging Harry to tell me where we were going, but he wouldn't budge. I waited in anticipation until he told me it was time to go get ready. I didn't have any idea where we were going, or what we were doing, so I really had no clue what to wear.

I did ask him if it was fancy, just so I knew weather or not to dress up but thankfully he said it was casual. So based off his black jeans and white flowy dress shirt, I figured I didn't have to go all out.

I decided on my pair of black jean shorts and my Fleetwood Mac shirt, assuming it would be good enough.

Harry kept my hand intertwined with mine as he lead me out into the parking lot of the bar. To my surprise his normal black Audi wasn't there to meet us like it usually was. Instead we were met with a nineteen sixty six Ford Mustang convertible. I stopped dead in my tracks once I saw it, my jaw dropping in disbelief.

"Holy shit! Who's car is that?" I gazed back at it mesmerized.

"Mine." Harry said it so casually, like it wasn't a big deal.

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