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"You the only one that
my dick could get hard for..."

"Still nothing?"

I shook my head in response, taking a large bite of the dinner she had made for me.

I was basically scarfing down the pesto pasta, it being the first proper meal I had ate in three days. There were other things occupying my mind, one of those of course being Harry, and food had always landed itself in the back burner.

"How many days has it been?" Fi asked hesitantly.

I took a very large sip from the glass of red wine I had poured before answering, "Five."

She sighed obviously feeling sorry for me, "I'm sorry Cali."

"It's fine." I shrugged, not really wanting to talk about it anymore.

My hope that Harry would keep his promise quickly went down the drain after I didn't even get a simple text over those five days after he had left my apartment. I had been doing my best at giving him the benefit of the doubt, but by day five I knew there wasn't any reason in hoping.

I wished it hadn't bothered me, but I couldn't deny I was hurt. He had gotten my hopes up.

"You know what Cali, it isn't fine. He's being a real ass. You shouldn't let him treat you like that," Felicity finally snapped, which I knew was bound to happen, "You need to go do something about it."

It was obvious over those past few days she was trying her hardest to hold in any opinions she had on the situation, but it was obvious she had gotten tired of watching me mope around.

"Fi I can't-" she cut me off before I could finish.

"California you should get in your car right now, drive to his apartment, and demand an explanation! That's the least you deserve." She was becoming angrier with every word.

She was beyond pissed off, and I was honestly surprised she hadn't driven to his apartment herself.

"Felicity-" she cut me off again.

"You deserve an explanation." She spoke softly but kept a serious tone, looking me dead in the eyes from the other side of the kitchen island.

I sighed, sitting my fork down, letting my face fall into my hands. I knew she was right, but it was just so hard for me to stand up for myself.

He did owe me an explanation. The least I deserved was to know what he wanted from me. I wanted to know if this was something serious for him, or if it was all just a game.

Maybe I was being a little dramatic, but with everything he had put me through, I deserved to know what his intentions were.

"You know what," I stood up from my barstool as I spoke, "You're right."

I forced myself to ignore the anxious pit that had settled in my stomach that appeared with just the thought of confronting him. I knew that if I let myself overthink I would talk myself out of it.

"I am?" Felicity questioned, surprised by my sudden willingness.

She hadn't been expecting to get through to me that easily, which would have usually been the case, but I didn't think clearly when it came to Harry.

"Yup, you're right. I deserve an explanation." I gathered my things from around the house as I spoke, before sliding my shoes on quickly.

"Wow that took a lot less convincing than I thought it was going to." She gaped at me wide eyed, blinking quicker than usual out of shock.

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