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"Your love is scaring me,
No one had cared for me,
As much as you do..."

The days following our night had been amazing. The morning after, we were both just so happy. The atmosphere was warm, and we were both so giggly.

It was like we couldn't get enough of each other.That was the first time in a very long time my mind hadn't been filled with worry. It was only Harry.

He took me out for breakfast at a nice brunch place in town, and w around the city hand in hand, just being present with each other. It all just felt so, normal.

I needed the normalcy considering nothing about my life had been normal for weeks. I had never thought I would have gotten tired of excitement, but there I was, happy to be sipping a cold coffee at breakfast.

The rest of the day was spent just sitting in the park, watching other people. It was honestly amazing. I had always been a people watcher, and something about peeking in on other peoples lived fascinated me.

We made up random senecios, talking about who we thought each person was. There was a man dressed in a nice suit, loosening his tie, as he sat for a cigarette. I assumed he had just lost his job, and we made up a whole story about how it was because he had accidentally brought his boss a coffee with two sugars instead of cream.

Then there was a lady having a picnic with this guy who looked like a total prick. Harry starting saying things over him, trying to figure out what kind of conversation she was having. Although it wasn't really a conversation, because he was the only one talking, and let's just say the girl didn't look too amused. Harry and I were laughing out asses off.

However, I knew a few days later when I woke up, it wasn't going to be normal day. From the second I had woken up, I had this feeling that something was going to happen.

Now I knew just because I had a feeling, it didn't mean something was actually going to happen, so I tried to push my anxiousness away.

Harry woke up before the sun, and I peeled my eyes open as I felt him get up from the bed. It felt cold when he wasn't there.

I peered through the balcony's doors from my spot between the sheets, trying to make out what he was doing, but it was still dark outside. I stayed burrowed under the covers, not wanting to face the world at such an ungodly hour.

I also didn't want Harry to know that he had woken me up. I could tell he was trying to be quiet as he got ready.

I watched him tip toe his way back inside, heading toward the bathroom, and I assumed he had been smoking. I could smell the scent of Marlboros lingering in with him as he made his way back inside.

I laid there trying to go back to sleep, but I knew as long as he wasn't beside me, it was no use.

When he finished getting ready he headed towards the bed, hovering over me, as he placed a soft peck on my forehead. This time I opened my eyes, wanting to see his face.

"Go back to sleep." He whispered, brushing the hair out of my face.

"Are you leaving?" I asked, ignoring his orders.

"Yes. I'll be back later tonight." I could tell he was hoping to avoid the subject.

"Okay I'll see you later." My stomach turned as the words left my mouth, "Please be safe."

I couldn't help but think about all the bad things that could happen to him while he was gone. I was terrified of him getting hurt, and when he wasn't in my sight, I never knew what kind of trouble he was going to get into.

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