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"I don't ever want to feel,
Like I did that day,
Take me to the place I love,
Take me all away,"

"Can I talk to you?"

I gazed back at Harry stunned, peering up into those green eyes as he towered over me.

I was speechless really not expecting to see him so soon. I was really hoping I wouldn't have to see him at all, but there he was standing inches away from my face. There was a sudden tightness in my chest as I tried to speak, and I felt like the words were stuck in my throat.

"No you can't." We both turned our attention to Felicity as she spoke for me, probably knowing just him being there was throwing me for a loop.

"Who is that?" Harry nodded towards Felicity with a raised brow.

"Her best friend." Felicity snapped, answering for me again.

Harry let out a long sigh, obviously annoyed by her remarks. He spoke to me again, completely ignoring her.

"California I just- I wanted to apologize-"

She cut him off before he could finish.

"Well it's a little to late for that." She spoke bluntly.

Harry was obviously annoyed with her inability to reason, but I could tell he was trying his hardest to hold himself back. You could tell that he was aware that what he had done hurt me, and Felicity was just trying to stick up for me like any good friend would.

I mean god knew I wasn't about to confront him myself, so someone had to do it. He let out a short huff before speaking again.

"I just need to talk to her. Alone." He looked back at her with a serious expression, telling her to fuck off with his eyes.

She laughed like she couldn't believe he was actually being serious.

"There is no way that is happening. You had your chance and you blew it. She deserves someone better."

I could have sworn he flinched at her words, and I could tell that Felicity had hit a nerve. I was surprised by the fact that something like that had hurt him, and for some reason it sent an ache through my chest.

Even if he had been a jerk to me that night before, I still didn't want to see him upset, which completely confused me. I should have been happy to hurt his feelings, but I just wasn't that person.

I really expected him to spit something rude back at her, or even blow up, but to my surprise he kept calm. He nodded to show that he accepted her answer, before turning around and walking away.

I followed his closely with my eyes, for some reason feeling the need to see where he was going. I watched as he sat down on one of the velvet couches at the edge of the room, grabbing a crystal glass filled with what I assumed was whisky. He threw the liquor back, downing it in one gulp.

"See I told you he would realize what he was missing." My eyes flicked back to Felicity, pulling my attention away from him as she spoke, "But I have to say, he is really hot."

I wasn't really sure what emotion I was feeling, but I knew it didn't feel great. I was fully aware I shouldn't want him, but I couldn't help it. All I wanted to do was walk over to that couch, and kiss him. I wanted to feel close to him.

I had never had feelings that that for anyone before, and if I was being honest it scared me. Those feelings I had for him only made the fact that he was unattainable eat at me even more. I could feel myself start to give into the hope of it all.

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