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"I don't think we should be along together,
I still got a crush,
That's obvious,
If nobody's around,
What's stopping us?"

I woke up the next morning to the sun shining bright in my eyes, and my head throbbing in pain. My body hurt so bad, I imagined it felt similar to the aftermath of being hit by a car. I rolled over in my bed noticing it felt way more comfortable than usual, the sheets being a lot softer than I recalled. The sharp pain in my head gave me an idea of what had happened the night before, and I assumed I must have gotten sloppy drunk and blacked out.

I tried to open my eyes but they burned as soon as I let the sun in, forcing me to shut them quickly, not being able to take anymore pain than what I was already in.

The feeling reminded me of why I didn't drink often, because hangovers were like hell on earth, although this one seemed extreme.

I eventually built enough stamina to force my eyes open, knowing I was eventually going to have to let them acclimate to the light. Everything was blurry at first, making me blink a few times to try and straighten my vision. I squinted, looking out the window that was by my bed, seeing the cars pass on the road.

I did a double take at the buildings that were out the window, realizing they weren't the ones that were usually outside my bedroom window at home. I quickly rolled over so I was facing the other direction, noticing I wasn't in fact not laying in my bed. I shot up, frantically searching around the room trying to figure out where I was. The place was familiar.

My eyes quickly made it to Harry, who was propped up on a chair asleep in the corner. That was when I realized where I was. My stomach dropped the second my eyes landed on him.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

I stared at him for a second, trying to decide if I was in a dream or not. I couldn't remember hardly anything from the night before, and I had no idea how I ended up in that assholes bed. It was for sure a shock to wake up to first thing in the morning.

Why the fuck was he sleeping in a chair?

"Harry." I muttered, surprised by how horse my voice was when I spoke.

I wasn't loud enough for him to hear me. He just sat there with his head laid back, peaceful sleeping on the leather armchair. I cleared my throat before speaking again.

"Harry!" I yelled out, purposely raising my voice to wake him, making him jump.

He searched around the room obviously a little spooked. He also seemed to be quite confused as to where he was, but once his green eyes met mine, he must have realized what was going on. He just stared at me for a second, just like I had done when I first woke, almost like he wasn't exactly sure what to do.

"Morning." He muttered, seeming hesitant.

The gruffness of his morning voice made my stomach fill with butterflies, which I quickly tried to push away. His eyes were puffy as he peered back at me, making him look oddly innocent.

How could a grown man be that cute?

"Why the fuck am I in your bed?" No matter how cute he was, I was still very confused and wanted answers.

I didn't remember anything from the night before, and I wanted to figure out how bad it actually was. In that moment, it wasn't looking too good for me.

He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand, before peering back at me with furrowed brows, and surprisingly caring eyes. I would have liked to say that was comforting, but I knew that meant whatever had happened probably wasn't going to be in my favor. That was a full one eighty from Harry I had seen a few days ago, and I quickly realized he was the type of guy who sent very confusing signals.

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