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"I'll benotforever yours ifyou'll be not forever mine
And whenwe hold hands under starlight tomorrow's the last thing on my mind..."

I woke up quickly to the sound of what I assumed was a door slamming. I gasped, sitting up from my spot on the couch, searching around the room trying to figure out where I was.

I was very disoriented, but my eyes eventually landed on Niall, who strolled into the living room with a wide smile plastered on his face. I had no idea how he could seem so happy with the situation we were in.

My attention eventually turned to Zayn and Harry, who both had their backs to me, looking in Niall's direction.

I felt a calmness wash over me at the sight of Harry standing in my line of sight. I was so relieved that he was okay.

"Could you be fucking quiet! She's sleeping!" Harry barked.

I could tell just from the sound of his voice he was tense.

"Not anymore." Niall laughed, nodding towards me.

I sat up quickly, suddenly realizing my body hadn't really agreed with the couch. My neck definitely had a crick in it, and I was quite sore. Harry quickly turned, meeting my eye, making his way to the couch so he could sit with me.

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" He asked quickly, hovering his hands over me like he wanted to touch me but wasn't sure if he should.

"I'm fine. Just a little shaken up, that's all." I reassured him.

I grabbed his hand, signaling to him that it was in fact okay to touch me. He quickly pulled me into him, wrapping his arms around me tight. It was a little strange because he was usually never very touchy around the people he worked with, but I was just happy to be close to him.

"Can we just- go home?" I asked, feeling extremely tired.

"Actually I think we should stay here for the night." He muttered hesitantly, knowing it wasn't what I wanted.

I pulled back so I could look at his face,"What? Why?"

"Cyrus has guys swarming the bar. I just don't think it's safe for you to be there right now."

He knew I wasn't going to like his answer, but I could tell he was trying his best to reassure me that we were going to be okay.

"Harry I-"

"Don't argue." He spoke sternly, letting me know it wasn't my choice.

I just peered up at him, running my eyes back and forth between his own. I glanced behind him, looking between Zayn and Niall. I wasn't about to argue in front of everyone, and if I was being honest, I knew there wasn't really anything for me to argue about.

I new I couldn't just go home and expect to walk inside without any of Cyrus's men being there. I'm sure they were ready for me to pull up any second so they could interrogate me or do whatever the hell they were planning. 

"What about Declan?" I asked, almost at a whisper.

"Oh, the little cat. I forgot." Niall dipped behind the corner of the entryway, coming back with Declan's crate in hand.

"Oh my god! Niall!" I was relieved, I couldn't hold it in.

"I was checking out your apartment, and he stayed by my feet the whole time. Then I picked him up, and well- I couldn't leave him."

Everyone looked up at him sort of in shock. I always knew Niall was a lot softer than the rest of the boys, but they seemed quite confused at his sudden eagerness.

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