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"She enough for me,
She's in love with me,
You're a doll,
You're flawless."


I yelped loudly as my body landing on a soft surface, contradicting the hard floor I had been expecting. I felt myself dip down before rising back up again, my weight being enough to throw me off the trampoline like surface, before I fell back down again quickly.

I kept my eyes sealed shut out of fear, only relying on the vision I had made up in my head to tell me what was happening. It took me a moment to realize just how tight of a grip I had on Harry, clenching onto fistfuls of his shirt, my leg wrapped around his.

We bounced there for what felt like forever, but eventually became somewhat still on the elastic surface. Hard shallow breaths escaped from my lips, my heart going a mile a minute, as I kept my head buried deep into Harry's neck.

"Cali." Harry muttered, reaching to touch the side of my face.

I knew he wanted me to look at him, but I shook my head, still in shock.

"California." He leaned down so his lips were next to my ear, "Open your eyes."

That time it felt like more of a command than anything else, and for some reason his slight sternness made me listen.

I pried my eyes open slowly, letting a long sigh escape my lips as lifted my head up, getting a good look at my surroundings. I felt a wave of relief wash over me once I realized I was in fact alive and well, and I hadn't just dropped to my immediate death. 

We had landed on what looked like a big black net in the middle of a large concrete room. I glared up at Harry who had a wide smirk speared across his face.

"What the fuck Harry!" I snapped, starting to come down from the adrenaline rush.

I could tell he was trying to hold back his laugh, but ultimately couldn't. My grip on his body loosened as I pushed myself away from him, not getting very far considering the dip in the elastic surface.

"This is not funny!"

His hand travelled down snaking around my waist, squeezing slightly as he pulled my body back toward his own, as I tried to avoid his piercing gaze.

"It sort of was." He chuckled.

"Harry!" I yelled, sort of expecting a small apology instead of further jokes.

"Alright, I'll apologize. I should have told you." He admitted, he leaned in so that his lips were next to my ear before whispering, "it was just more fun this way."

I pretended to pout as I let my eyes meet his own, not wanting to give into him, but I just couldn't stay mad at someone so charming.

I gasped as our bodies slid down the net as it dipped down beneath us. I looked down at a very large man, who was in all black, pulling the bottoms of the net.

"Styles! You know it's one at a time." The man scolded, speaking unnecessarily loud.

Harry smoothly slid himself off the edge, his feet landing flat on the floor with no problem.

"And you know I can't follow the rules." Harry quipped quickly, not seeming to be fazed at all.

He turned around to face me, ignoring the man's calloused glares, along with the utter disgust covering his face.

"Come on." He ordered, holding his hand out for me to take.

I glanced at his hand, and then back up at him, before deciding I wasn't going to let him get away with his surprise that easily. I had always been very stubborn and Harry's banter only made it worse.

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