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It was a few days after I had left Harry's apartment after the night at the bar, and I was just trying my best to recover after everything that had happened. I had spent one of my nights crying on the couch with a pint of ice cream watching some stupid romcom on the tv. It was just my way of coping with everything that had happened.

Felicity was by my side the whole time for moral support, along with Declan, who stayed curled up beside me almost every minute of the day.

Once everything sort of settled in, I became so scared. I knew the world was a scary place, but I had always thought I could protect myself from all those bad things. It was like I assumed nothing bad was ever going to happen to me again. I was so naive.

I always saw the best in people no matter who they were, giving them the benefit of the doubt no matter what I had heard from others. I always tried to forgive people for their past, but I knew better than to forget. I just hoped and prayed that those people would change one day for the better, and I wouldn't get caught in their trap.

I think it made me realize how stupid that idea was. People aren't always good, and no matter what you do, they may never change. I couldn't even begin to think about what could have happened to me if Harry wasn't there. It made me sick to my stomach every time it crosses my mind.

It was sort of funny, because my spiraling thoughts always somehow lead back to Harry. I couldn't help but feel excited when he popped onto my mind, even though I sort of wished I didn't. I hadn't really heard from him besides a text I got after I left his place that morning. He was checking up on me to make sure I had made it home okay.

His little "see you later" really threw me for a loop.

I hadn't really understood what exactly he had meant, and the look on his face really didn't give me any hints either. The rational part of me was hoping he wouldn't show up anytime soon, knowing he would probably hurt me the second anything happened between us, but the other side of me however was hoping he would walk through my front door any minute. I just wanted him to wrap his arms around me and tell me everything was going to be fine.

I literally felt like an idiot. I mean how could I have felt like that? I didn't even know him. I had only been around him twice, and one of the those times I was left crying on a curb.

It was like I couldn't resist him. It was like I was an addict and he was the drug, and I just kept coming back for more. It was like my body was craving him.

I assumed that was what people called a crush. I had never really had time for boys in high school, and the last thing on my mind back then was who I was going to fall head over heels for that week. 

I was almost positive he didn't feel the same, which only made things worse. I was pining over something that was never going to happen.

He was just so charming. He knew what to say and when to say it. He knew how to manipulate me into wanting him, but the funny thing was, I didn't even think he was knew what he was doing it. He was oblivious to how captivating he was which added onto the list of unfortunate things.

I had taken Monday off work, but got up bright and early Tuesday to head to the shop. I couldn't just sit at home all day and wait around for something I knew wasn't going to happen, and I needed a distraction. I had to practically drag Felicity out of bed so she could take me.

I walked out into the parking lot of my apartment, keys in hand, ready to go to work when I realized my car wasn't in the lot. I had completely forgotten about leaving it at the shop the night Harry brought me to his place.

Felicity was practically falling asleep at the wheel, while I was on my toes the whole drive. I had to grab onto what we call the "oh shit handle" multiple times throughout our trip. She did make a pit stop at a coffee shop so she could buy herself a latte and me some breakfast. I didn't want it but she made me eat before I went into work. I sore she acted like she was my mother half the time.

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