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"Live fast,
Die young,
Bad girls do it well."

"Are you sure you have to go?" I asked, holding tightly onto Harry as we stood by the front door.

"Yes baby- I'll be back soon. I'll be home before you know it." He reassured me, rubbing the palm of his hand across my lower back.

"Okay just please be safe."I pried myself from his arms, not wanting him to go but knowing he had to. I didn't want him to get in trouble.

He dipped down to pick me on the lips before speaking, "I'll be quick."

He opened the front door, stepping out into the hall, leaving me standing there alone.

"Call me if you need anything." He reminded.

That was probably the hundredth time he had repeated that, so I did my best to hide my annoyance, "I will."

"Bye peach." He smiled, I'm sure seeing the worry on my face.

"Bye Harry."

As he made his way down the stairs, I locked the door behind him, before placing my back against the wood. I let out a long shaky breath, already knowing I was going to have a rough night.

"Y'all are so cute, but it kind of makes me want to barf." Felicity spoke up from her spot on the couch, staring back at me with a slightly disgusted look.

"Thank you Fi. You are always so sweet?" I muttered sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"Well it's the truth." She shrugged.

Harry insisted on someone coming over and staying with me while he was on his work trip. I told him I would be fine on my own, but of course, he didn't even give me a chance to argue. But it gave me a chance to spend some well needed time with Felicity.

I could tell Harry was nervous about having to leave, which seemed unusual, and only made my anxiety worse. I figured whatever he was going to go, he was well prepared, and he would be safe. However he was so worried about me that he had the place guarded like Fort Knox.

I wish I could have said that brought me comfort, but that would have been a lie. There were guys, who I assumed he worked with, guarding every inch of the bar. I didn't really know any of them, and since I wasn't very informed on his occupation, I had no idea what type of people they were.

I had asked him why Zayn or one of the other boys couldn't have just parked outside instead, but he let me know that of course they would be going on the trip with him. That just meant I now had to worry about Zayn getting hurt too.

But I trusted Harry, and if he thought they would keep me safe, I knew that they probably would. With everything he was doing to protect me, he wouldn't purposely put me in harms way.

I put it off as me probably still being a little spooked from the last time Harry had left the house on a work vacation. Watching him bleed all over the bar tables wasn't my favorite memory. But at least I knew I didn't have to worry about Josh.

I still hadn't told Felicity about that whole experience. I had told her about the guy, and him coming to my job, but I left out the part where the guy ended up dead. She just knew he got a good punch to the face before the police came and threw him in a jail cell.

I wanted to tell her the truth so badly. I was desperate to talk to someone other than Harry about my issues, but I knew keeping it from her was for the best. I wouldn't want her to be an accessory to a crime.

If something went down I would never forgive myself if she got wrapped up in it all. She had a real career doing for her.

So I spilled the bare minimum and cut the story short. Just like I had expected she wanted to know every detail. She even started trying to google him which almost sent me into cardiac arrest, but she found nothing. It was almost like he had fallen off the face of the earth.

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