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"The waters getting colder,
Let me in your ocean,

Harry and I stayed on the beach almost the whole day, other than when we went for lunch and popsicles. Funny enough they had peach flavor and I thought Harry was going to loose his mind. He ordered us both one before I could even object.

When the sun started going down, I decided it was finally time to go. I was tired and Harry still wouldn't get in the water with me. I had to give it to him though, he wasn't really in the right attire for swimming.

All I wanted was to go home and have a warm shower, and snuggle up to Harry in bed.

The drive home was cold. The evening wind chilly as we drove, leaving me practically shivering in the passenger seat. We were stopped at a stop light when Harry pulled off his sweatshirt, throwing it over into my lap. I threw the olive green pullover over my head gladly, instantly feeling warmer, the smell of his cologne filling my scenes.

"Thank you." I muttered. leaning my head against the side of the car.

It wasn't long until I closed my eyes, not really sleeping but just resting. I wanted to take the moment in. I felt peaceful.

We stopped at the gate at the front of the house, and I listened to Harry punch in the numbers on the keypad, before driving down the long road. I eventually rose up in my seat, feeling a little groggy as we made our way down the driveway.

When we got closer to the house, the both of us realized there were a plethora of cars lining the driveway. I glanced over at Harry confused and I could see the worry on his face.

Once we finally got as close as we could manage, there were swarms of unfamiliar people everywhere. The house was lit up from every inch and we could already hear music blaring from inside.

I kept my eyes on Harry, instantly seeing rage wash over him. He stopped the car quickly pulling the keys out of the ignition.

"I'm going to kill him." He growled, stepping out of the bronco.

I followed behind him quickly, trying to keep up as he stormed towards the house. There were people everywhere and I apologized for him as he shoved through the crowd, just trying to make it inside.

"Harry, wait- hang on."I spoke loudly, trying to be heard over the music that was blaring loudly even from outside.

I finally caught up to him enough to grab his hand, making him turn at look at me. I could tell he was angry but he kept a tight hold on my hand. That didn't stop him though. He kept his fast pace, pulling me around behind him.

The second Harry opened the front door the music got significantly louder. So much so that I wasn't really sure how anyone was able to hear anything in there.

He pulled me further inside still walking incredibly fast, obviously looking around for someone. The lighting was very low and I couldn't make out any of the peoples faces.

Everyone had a drink in their hand, and the air was hazy with smoke. The whole place smelled like pot and sweat. Not to mention everyone was all over each other. Not that it was any of my business, but it was a little strange to me seeing people having sex in the entry way.

I noticed as we walked deeper into the house, that Harry caught the eye of almost every girl we passed. He kept his attention on looking for whoever he was searching for, not noticing any of them.

That was until a girl decided she was going to stop right in front of Harry, instead of moving out of the way like everyone else has. She held a red solo cup in her hand, shoving it into his chest, I assume trying to give it to him. She moved closer, tracing her other hand up his arm, under the sleeve of his tee shirt.

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