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"Instead of dreaming,
I sleepwalk."

"What is this place!" Felicity yelled loud enough for me to hear her over the music.

"I don't know! I just knew it was close!" I shrugged as we made our way down the stairs, our shoes sticking to the floor as we walked.

I held into the railing praying I wouldn't fall down them, the stairway being very dark and foggy. It didn't help that I was naturally clumsy and drunk.

"It smells like weed and armpit!"

She wasn't wrong and the further we went down the stronger the sent became.

"That's what makes it fun!"

We finally made it to the bottom of the stairs of the very small club. It was packed, but it wasn't so filled you couldn't move. It was the perfect capacity.

We stood there for a second just scoping out the place. It was actually pretty cool. It was very vintage looking, but it was filled with rock posters and colorful lights. Cigarette smoke was fogging the room, so you could barely see three feet in front of you, but it was all hipster people holding fruity drinks anyways. It wasn't anywhere near as fancy as Harry's bar, but it was still nice.

Felicity grabbed day hand. catching my attention, pulling me towards the sea of people dancing. She always knew how to make her way into a crowd. I watched as eyes followed us, noticing a few focusing on the very low neckline of my dress.

If Harry had been there, he would have lost it. But then again, if he was there, no one would have even dared to look at me. He was honestly one of the most intimidating people I had ever met. But he was only like that with other people, not me.

We had ditched our coverups before coming into the bar. We just threw them in one of the bushes down the block hoping they would be there later when we came back for them, but in the moment I wasn't too worried about it.

When felicity finally found a spot the liked, she stopped before turning to face me, grabbing both my hands in her own. We began dancing, and I took her lead.

I had aways loved dancing, but I was never really good at it. I was usually very self conscious about it, but I was so drunk I couldn't have given a single fuck. I was jumping around like no one was watching.

About thirty minutes into dancing Felicity started digging through her purse, pulling out a small flask. I looked up at her shocked, not even realizing she had brought it.

"I'm sure they had plenty of alcohol here!" I shouted.

"I figured it would be better not to risk it this time!"

I knew exactly what she meant, and I tried my best to throw the thought out of my mind. I hadn't even thought about getting drinks at the club, and it was nice of her to think about me, but the reminder made me uneasy. I knew she just wanted to make me comfortable.

She handed me the flask and I took a big swig, the bitter burn of the alcohol weaker than the first shot I had taken. However I still made a face. I handed it back to Fi as I shook off the taste, watching her drink some from it as well.

We dancing so long my feet started to hurt, but even then I took off my heels and danced on the sticky floor bare foot. I never would have done that sober.

We eventually made it over to the edge of the club, where there were multiple velvet couches and chairs. There were tiny side tables in between them with low lit lamps with all different colored light bulbs. I laid myself over a whole couch as Fi sat on one of the large arm chairs directly in front of me.

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