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"The ocean takes me,
Into watch you shaking,
Watch you weigh your powers,
Tempt with hours of pleasure..."

That one long loving kiss quickly turned into chased hungry ones that were filled with lust and desire. It was like we couldn't get enough of each other. We kissed one another like it was the last time.

Harry pinned me against the door so that my back was flush against the wood, his body pressing hard against mine.

His mouth moved from mine, leaving me panting as he found his way down to my jawline, placing hungry kisses across my skin along the way. I could feel my body growing warmer beneath his touch, my face burning red as I melted into him.

I whimpered as he reached the sensitive spot on my neck right under my ear. I could tell he liked it from the deep growl that left his throat as he continued kissing me.

"H-Harry," I was breathing so heavily I almost couldn't get the words out.

His hands were wrapped around my hips, and he pulled me in closer, carrying his open mouth down my neck.

"Harry." I spoke a little louder, trying to catch my breath.

I caught his attention that time making him quickly glance up at me, meeting my desperate eyes.

I couldn't help but let my gaze wander across his face. His hair was messy from where I had been running my fingers through it, his lips were red and swollen from all the kissing, and his cheeks were slightly flushed. He was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

"I'm ready." I muttered softly, looking deep into his emerald eyes.

He just peered back at me for a second, trying to catch his breath.

"Ready? Are you sure?" He looked back at me slightly shocked.

"Positive." I answered quickly

I was nervous, but I knew exactly what I wanted this time. Him.

"Cali, we don't have-" He flicked his eyes between mine, but I cut him off before he could finish his sentence.

"I want to. I love you, and I want to." I reassured him, convincing him I knew what I wanted.

His eyes continued to dart between my own, like he was trying to read my thoughts. It wasn't long till his lips were back on mine. I felt his hands venture down to the back of my thighs as he lifted me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist, pressing my body further into his.

Another low moan fell from his mouth into mine as he pinned me harder against the door. His hips bucked forward, and I could feel the fire begin to swell in my stomach.

The world around me began to feel hazy, my eyes falling heavy, the noise around me beginning to drown out. I tugged on the hair at the nape of his neck, not even realizing what I was doing. I felt his lips fall from mine as he let out a long satisfied breath.

I watched as he ran his tongue across his bottom lip, pulling his lips up into his familiar smirk. He moved his hands from the small of my back down to my ass, gripping the skin as he pulled my body off the door, starting down the hall.

I felt the nerves in my stomach start to rise, but I pushed them down, knowing what I wanted. I loved Harry and I couldn't have imagined it being with anyone else.

He placed sloppy kisses down my jaw and neck as we made our way to the bedroom, letting his tongue sooth over my skin as he nipped at it. We weren't so focused on where we were going that we knocked a vase off the table in the hall, but neither of us seemed to be fazed by it. I jumped slightly at the sound of the glass breaking, but I quickly ignored it. We had our minds on other things.

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