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"Cali! California! Wake up right now!" I shot up from bed, startled by Felicity's voice.

She was so dramatic most of the time, but somehow she still almost gave me a heart attack each time something exciting happened.

I closed my eyes tight, rubbing them with the backs of my hands, trying to fully gather my bearings. My heart was beating so fast I could practically feel it hitting against my chest.

Either I scared easily, or the people around me found my fear amusing.

After gathering myself, it didn't take me long to realize he was gone. I looked over at the emptiness beside me, feeling quite disappointed, and suddenly very cold. He must have left after I had fallen asleep.

I was sure I had probably scared him away everything I had thrown at him. I sat wrapped in my empty bedsheets, feeling uncomfortably alone without him next to me.

My attention turned towards my bedroom door as it flew open, revealing Felicity on the other side, who promptly made her way deeper inside. I glanced over at the clock on my bedside table, not really believing it was already morning.

"California! You would not believe the night I had!" She seemed beyond excited, scattering her bag and shoes across my floor as she inched closer to my bed.

"What happened?" I asked, trying to seem interested, even though I was still groggy from having just woken up.

I had never been a morning person, but I especially wasn't under the circumstances.

"You're not gonna believe it!" She repeated, plopping down on my mattress next to me in the same place Harry had been only hours before.

I ran my eyes across her very wrinkled red dress, before stopping at her face, her makeup looking slept in. She still looked as amazing as ever. Her hair however, looked like she a combed it with a firecracker.

"We'll come on, tell me." I muttered, wanting her to start explaining whatever it was she was getting on about.

"He took me to this really nice restaurant right," She paused every once in a while, making sure I was listening.

I nodded in response so she knew she still had my attention.

"It was on a roof top, and you could literally see the whole city. They had the best food, and don't even get me started on the wine. It was the best thing I've ever drank in my life. Nothing like that cheap box shit we get," She was talking so fast it was a little hard for me to keep up.

"Then after we ate he took me to this little ice cream shop that he found, and it had all kinds of crazy flavors. We pretty much sampled every single one of them." I just smiled at her, trying to take in all the information, considering it was so early in the morning.

"And then- oh my god Cali you won't believe what he did!" She was practically yelling she was so excited.

I hadn't seen her that worked up in a long time.

"What?" I asked, trying to shake my sleepiness away.

"He kissed me!" She blurted, practically screaming.

"Oh my god! Felicity! That's so great!" I gasped, trying to be supportive.

I knew she really liked Mitch, and although my situation with Harry wasn't going exactly how I planned, I was still happy for her.

"I know! It was like the most amazing kiss ever too. And then he asked if I wanted to go to his place. And I said yes. And we'll you can guess where it went from there." She spoke quickly.

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