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Where have you been..."

We stayed at the boys house for three days. Not my choice of course.

I begged Harry to take me home the second I woke up the first morning we stayed at the house, but of course he said no. I obviously put up a fight but he quickly became annoyed with my begging. He pulled out his phone and showed me the security cameras he had placed around the bar, and sure enough Cyrus's men were still waiting.

I would have loved to say that seeing that eased my mind, because that meant they didn't know where else to look, but it didn't.

Harry had been sending Niall, who was somehow very good at sneaking in, to grab us a few things for the two of us. The bar hadn't been open for three whole days, and I was worried about the business side of things, but Harry didn't seem to have a care in the world.

Apparently all the boys where coming up with some kind of plan. While we were stuck in the house they would just sit around the dining table and talk. Of course I wasn't allowed to listen in on their plotting, so I sat on the couch like a child watching movies. I watched Mama Mia, Dirty Dancing, The Great Gatsby. It was quite a time.

Harry had been very distant. It wasn't completely his fault though, because I had also not been as touchy as usual. He seemed busy so I let him work. I stopped asking questions, because quite frankly I didn't think I really wanted to know the answers, and it wasn't like he was going to tell me anyways.

On the fourth day of my little vacation in the boys mansion, I woke up to Harry plopping two suitcases down next to me on the bed. I peered back at him confused, sitting up quickly. He seemed weirdly happy.

"This is yours." He flipped the suitcase around so the front faced me, "Open it."

I obeyed, pulling the suitcase a bit closer to me, before unzipping it. I slowly letting the top fall onto the duvet as it opened, looking down at the contents inside. I was shocked, not expecting the suitcase to be filled to the brim with clothes and shoes.

"What is this? These aren't my clothes?"

"I know. Felicity helped me buy them. If you don't like some things we can get rid if it, but I just figured it would be nice." He shrugged.

He seemed almost nervous, which was strange. He was usually very confident, but when it came to him doing things for me, he always seemed unsure. I figured he was just hoping for a good reaction out of me.

"What is this for?" It was a nice gesture, but if he thought I was staying in that house forever, he was sorely mistaken.

"We are going on a trip." He closed the suitcase as he spoke.

I raised a brow, "A vacation?"

"Yeah well I figured we could get away- have some fun." I gave him a that's bullshit look, "And it might be apart of a the plan."

I knew there was a catch.

"And where will we be going?" I was intrigued.

That familiar smirk appeared across his face, and I knew what was coming, "That's a surprise."

I rolled my eyes, "Of course it is."

Harry headed for the door, turning to face me before he left the room, "Be ready in ten."

He closed the door before I could objected, and I sighed as I threw the covers off of myself, placing my feet on the cold hardwood floors. I made my way to the bathroom, hoping I didn't look too rough. I flicked on the light, seeing an outfit on the counter waiting for me.

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