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"Spending all my money,
Just to make you feel pretty."

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing loudly from my bedside table. With eyes still closed I reached for it, assuming I had somehow sat an alarm I had forgotten about, but was surprised when I saw Harry's face.

Well more his chest.

I quickly swiped to answer, for some reason feeling a sudden urgency, like I assumed he would hang up before I got the chance to answer.

"Hello." I was groggy, but a little more awake from the shock of his call.

"Morning peach." Harry's voice rang from the other end of the phone, seeming particularly happy.

"Mornin." I replied, trying to hide my smile even though he couldn't see me through the phone.

I could barely hear him over all the background noise. Wherever he was it was very loud.

"I'm a little busy, but I wanted to call and tell you the bar is opening tonight. I want you and Felicity to go get something nice to wear." He was practically having to yell for me to hear him.


"I want my girl to feel good when I show her off. I transferred five hundred into your account to cover the cost-" I cut him off before he could say anything else.

"What?" I gasped, shocked.

That really woke me up.

"What is it not enough?" He asked quickly.

"What- no Harry that's more than enough. I can't accept it."

"Don't worry about it okay. I've got to go but I'll see you tonight." He was speaking so fast, I could definitely tell he was in a rush.

I tried to argue, but he hung up the phone before I managed to get another word out. I pulled the phone from my ear, looking down at the screen speechless, needing a second to register what had just happened.

I rolled over onto my back with a sigh. I stared at the ceiling, watching the fan spin around, trying to process.

Why the hell would he do that? How did he even get my account number?

I glanced at my phone, swiping through to find my bank app, realizing I could just sent the money back to him.  But of course the second he realized what I had done, the money magically appeared back in my account. I tried to send him the money back three times, but every time he just sent it right back.

I eventually accepted defeat, knowing I was fighting a loosing battle, and there was no point in trying to argue with him. When he got his mind set on something, there was no changing it.

I threw the covers off of myself as I got up from my bed, planting my feet on the cold hardwood floors, before heading for my bathroom. I looked back myself in the mirror, trying my best to not think about how much money Harry had just given me.

I brushed my teeth, only able to think about the fact that my weekly income was less than five hundred dollars, not believing he had that type of money to just give away.

I headed to the kitchen still in disbelief. Felicity to no surprise was already up, stirring around in the kitchen with her little pink apron, making breakfast.

"Morning Fi." I muttered, making my way over to the coffee pot.

"Morning." She replied, looking over her shoulder at me.

"You'll never guess what Harry did this morning." I grabbed a mug, pouring the warm liquid inside as I spoke.

I watched her flip one of the pancakes in her skillet, before turning to look at me again.

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